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37 votes

A number of things seem to have broken simultaneously

TL;DR Yesterday, the Database Reliability Engineering (DBRE) Team made some changes to our Availability Group (AG) configuration, related to ongoing work to improve database performance during AG ...
AMtwo's user avatar
  • 14.6k
24 votes

How can I add Hot Network Questions (HNQ) to a chat room feed?

There is no such standard functionality on the site. You would need a server side implementation that responds to the Feeds bots requests and produce an RSS feed from the Hot Network Questions list. I'...
rene's user avatar
  • 92.1k
21 votes

HNQ RSS feed stopped updating

First, for all website admins using sites with output caching: If you use [OutputCache], DO NOT UPGRADE TO .NET 4.6.2 Details: Unfortunately, this was far larger than your feed and we're still ...
Nick Craver's user avatar
21 votes

Why was the feeds user renamed to "Check for incoherent ramblings and crackpotism"?

This was likely a moderator editing its display name. Our (being myself and another mod on TL) best guess, unless someone explains themselves, is just that someone was trying to set up a feed in a ...
hyperneutrino's user avatar
18 votes

I want to see all my Stack Exchange linked deleted questions

Im just wondering why my codegolf account was killed I even contributed a game concept all history deleted on that site. You did not contribute a game concept, you spammed the main ...
Dennis's user avatar
  • 22.7k
18 votes

Feeds do not seem to post updates in chat

It's not DNS There's no way it's DNS It was DNS A few weeks ago we moved chat behind Cloudflare. For reasons that I personally do not understand (and SREs are also puzzled by), it took until now for ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
17 votes

Specific feed is being automatically removed when added to a specific chatroom

Update: Thanks ArtOfCode for unblocking us! Turns out life on the internet mostly consists of dealing with Cloudflare blocks these days. Yes, I'm astutely aware of the irony 😬 Original post follows: ...
balpha's user avatar
  • 159k
12 votes

We need Captain Obvious back

What I can't do is assign the feed back to user -263, the "original" Captain Obvious. What I can do is create a new feeds user, -786, and copy Captain Obvious' name and avatar across to it. So I've ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
  • 36.3k
10 votes

Feeds are no longer posted in chat

I merged a chat PR earlier that added a couple new checks on room properties when creating a new message. And apparently a room can be null at that point. How? Why? Nobody knows, but null reference ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
8 votes

Why is the recent questions feed showing code?

Yes, this is intentional. This is an Atom feed (also mistakenly called RSS feed - that's actually a different protocol, but it's using the same icon) and if you have an appropriate program/app (a so-...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
8 votes

How to follow Stack Overflow blog? is the canonical feed for all posts on the blog. Missing posts on that feed is a bug.
D.G.'s user avatar
  • 976
8 votes

Invalid characters in XML Atom feed

Our community team was doing some triaged ticket cleanup and flagged this post for me. I fixed this! ...two years ago! I have no memory of doing it, but I can confirm that it happened. Let me know if ...
kristinalustig's user avatar
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6 votes

What determines whether a feed item becomes a post onebox in chat?

The difference is that one has a QUESTIONS link that points to a question <link rel="alternate" href="" /> while the other one <link rel="...
rene's user avatar
  • 92.1k
6 votes

How can I create an RSS feed for a specific question?

It is the correct link: The RSS URL is shown under the Hot Network Questions widget on each Q&A page:
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
5 votes

Full-form links to answers are no longer oneboxed in chat

A little while ago, the style for a full-form link to an answer changed from: https://site/questions/question-id/question-title/answer-id#answer-id to: https://site/questions/question-id/question-...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
5 votes

A follow feed feature?

SE is not Twitter. If you want to follow a user for his useful contributions in a tag, subscribe to the RSS feed of the user (change the ID in the URL). Enabling users to follow another user removes ...
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
5 votes

Why do I get multi-year-old questions in my feed?

Sigh; yes, that's probably me; I've disabled the smoke-test server related to this while I investigate. Almost certainly the same bug as this, manifesting in a slightly different way. Both look very-...
Marc Gravell's user avatar
  • 93.1k
5 votes

User RSS feed is terribly localized

Some translations were missing, and the user name was never appearing in the "Comment by" section due to a bug. Fixed.
Konamiman's user avatar
  • 2,606
5 votes

How can I get the RSS-feed to post from YouTube into a chatroom?

Use the channel feed A link to the channel feed is in the source code for the channel page even though it doesn't appear on the website. It has the form
Someone_Evil's user avatar
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5 votes

Valid RSS feed URL "is not authorized" in Thunderbird

Many requests, including to the RSS feed, stand a chance of getting blocked with a Forbidden error if you do not send a User-agent along with your request. If you're seeing that particular error, you'...
animuson's user avatar
  • 190k
4 votes

Favourite tags length

You can see a full list of posts with yours favorite tags by searching with intags:mine option as described in the advanced search help page: intags:mine returns only posts that appear in tags you ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
4 votes

Subscribe to tags I am interested in?

@RayLuo From what I saw on, you can add several filters to subscribe to multiple tags. See the screenshot:
venegr's user avatar
  • 43
3 votes

How can I get an RSS feed of my top 50 answers?

As far as I'm aware there isn't an official feed for answers. You could however use Stack2RSS, which takes a Stack Exchange API request URL and returns the response as an RSS feed. All you need to do ...
Cai's user avatar
  • 14.9k
3 votes

Invalid XML in Atom feed

The same issue popped again as I reported here: Consequence was that Thunderbird was unable to load the feed until the invalid characters slid ...
Léa Gris's user avatar
  • 321
3 votes

RSS feed of reputation changes? Comments?

Native RSS feed for comments: Replace user-id with your own id. You can find your id ...
Benjamin Ziepert's user avatar
3 votes

RSS user feed contains too large image

I don't think it is the responsibility of SO to scale the images you put in your posts which end up in the RSS feed. The images are taken as-is. How your RSS feed reader renders it is not the problem ...
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
3 votes

Answer Only RSS feed for a user

You can take the regular user feed, and then filter it using one of the rss filtering websites, for example,
user1020406's user avatar
3 votes

Encoding issue for message feed title

All fixed. As Grundy correctly guessed, we were using ANSI storage for the name rather than unicode. I have updated the database schema and manually set the name for this feed (although IIRC we update ...
Marc Gravell's user avatar
  • 93.1k
3 votes

How do I add a feed for a chatroom?

You can't - the only sorts of feeds enabled by default on chat is RSS. We use it to feed external news sources and SE posts into chat as needed. Chat itself has no RSS feed mechanism (and if you're ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar

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