Avoiding misuse of SE/SO for online university tests during COVID-19
Do note that Physics Stack Exchange does allow homework questions per their FAQ - they just expect them to be of sufficient quality and only asking for help on how to solve them. That's very different ...
Homework questions to be edited before flagged
Per the network policy, except in the case of duplicates, questions are put "on hold" for five days before being closed. This is, essentially, exactly what you are asking for. The user is given five ...
Reasonableness of homework questions and difficulty of beginners to ask their doubts?
Being a beginner is not an excuse to ask a bad question that demonstrates minimal previous effort in researching and/or leaving out important details requiring people to repeatedly ask for ...
Where can I ask about networking homework/assignments?
You're asking a 'theoretical' question on a site which is more focused on 'practical' questions. Instead, your question leans more towards Computer Science, which already has some questions about ...
- 254k
Should questions of the form "How can I do A without using X or Y for some reason that I don't understand?" be answered?
I think a question like:
How can I do A without using X or Y for some reason that I don't understand?
distills to a title of:
Doing A without using X or Y
and the onus should be on the asker to ...
Should questions of the form "How can I do A without using X or Y for some reason that I don't understand?" be answered?
Should questions of the form “How can I do A without using X or Y for some reason that I don't understand?” be answered?
In the end, questions that can be answered are the ones for which there is no ...
Teacher request: remove homework questions
It's a good question hence the upvote.
StackExchange is not a site for keeping world just/fair. StackExchange is a commercial project specializing on creating a large knowledgebase on a wild variety ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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