32 votes

Why has Community's profile picture changed?

Way back in the day we started salting Gravatar image URLs, but only for new users. Older users do not have a salted Gravatar URL. Today we performed a backfill so we can drop an old column Users....
Dean Ward's user avatar
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14 votes

My default user icon just changed, on its own, on only this site and the Stack Overflow main site (but not its meta one)

This change is due to us forcibly changing all identicons across the Stack Exchange network. We've done this for security reasons and you can read more in this MSE announcement: We're regenerating all ...
Cesar M's user avatar
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13 votes

Inconsistent Identicon between main and meta sites

Well this is fun, metas typically inherit their parent site's details, but a profile image backfill ran for each site independently which means the calculation for a Gravatar works on the data in each ...
Dean Ward's user avatar
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9 votes

'Save and Copy to all communities' resets profile picture if it's set to Gravatar

We've (finally) fixed this bug, so you should be able to make changes to your profile picture and successfully propagate those changes to other communities. It turns out that null and "" are ...
kristinalustig's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is my identicon different from the one that shows up in Edit Profile > Change Picture > Identicon?

I thought it was related to changing your credentials, as they announced in 2021 that changing your email will affect your gravatar. However… Here's what I see on my account: As you can see, the ...
Laurel's user avatar
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2 votes

Why is my identicon different from the one that shows up in Edit Profile > Change Picture > Identicon?

According to the answer in Unexpectedly changing identicon, this might not be a bug: This is the default for new users, and for existing users a salt is added as soon as they change their picture and ...
Shadow Wizard Love Zelda's user avatar
2 votes

Why has Community's profile picture changed?

Strangely, from the edit profile menu, it looks right (just clicked the "Change picture" button and did not change which one was selected): Gravatar bug? blame-caching? ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hyper-neutrino's user avatar

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