May I edit a question with a JSFiddle link to incorporate the code?
No, you may not incorporate someone else code from jsfiddle.
You can't insert content that you do not own (from jsfiddle) to a destination under CC BY-SA 3.0 (Stack Exchange/Stack Overflow).
Forcing a code block when there is a JSFiddle link in a post
The issue of having to add something as code is a unique issue with an always decreasing amount of posts where the issue you encountered applies: e.g. posts with JSFiddle links that did not include ...
May I edit a question with a JSFiddle link to incorporate the code?
It depends.
The CC BY-SA 3.0 license applies to the publication as a whole, but if it contains materials or content from a third party, then those materials/contents still keep the original license, ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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