Single "recommend deletion" action in Late Answers queue ends the review
I think you've uncovered a huge bug here in how these reviews are supposed to work, at least if I understand the handy-dandy review queues flowchart (from this post) correctly.
Here's the Late Answers ...
Should I answer questions which have accepted answers?
You should answer the question if you can add something useful. Maybe you even want to elaborate on a short but correct answer. Then you could refer to that answer and elaborate, maybe show some proof,...
Someone else already reviewed a post, so my action is no longer required; should I review as "No Action Needed"?
If there's already a comment, upvote it!
That will allow you to complete the review.
Here's the list of actions that you can take - if you can't see the info, hit the (more) button - note, this is ...
What happens when a late answer is upvoted?
I have seen answers in the Late Answers review queue by authors with just above 50 reputation; the review queue item was created before they had 50 reputation, and the items are not invalidated once ...
- 253k
Single "recommend deletion" action in Late Answers queue ends the review
One way to make this option useful, as suggested by BeastOfCaerbannog would be to make it open the flagging dialog.
It could also then offer the canned comments from the Low Quality Posts queue (which ...
If I review a post in the First Posts queue, is it also removed from the Late Answers queue for everyone else?
I've looked at some late answers/first posts and their timelines, and it seems the answer is 'no'.
As you can see in this image, the review for first post was done before the one for late answer, ...
Late late answer?
This has been a regular source of confusion (and occasionally, excessive amounts of work) for years. After a thorough analysis, I'm unable to find a compelling justification for this behavior; "late" ...
"I'm Done" for late answers without voting
A little less than a year after this question was asked, a "No Action Needed" button became available, to allow dismissing the review task while explicitly taking no action on it.
In this case, ...
Should 1-off bad reports in First Post/Late Post queue be reported?
For unambiguously bad reviews that happened recently, as a moderator I see value in having these brought to my attention. For "unambiguously bad", I mean No Action Needed reviews on the following ...
Should I answer questions which have accepted answers?
I think that it's important to remember that acceptance is by no means permanent.
If you are able to post a fantastic answer, outshining all the other answers, the question's author has the ability ...
While reviewing "The Late answers" should we compare it to other answers?
If you are going to give a positive review (No Action Needed or vote up) then yes, you need to check other answers to make sure that it is not plagiarized. In this case it is also worth to check other ...
Bug or Feature in Audit "STOP! Look and Listen."? Answer to review in audit not visible outside audit
I think that the answer to review is not shown under the question when having an audit is a bug.
No, it's not a bug. It's a deleted post, and since you don't have 10k rep, you can't see deleted ...
Someone else already reviewed a post, so my action is no longer required; should I review as "No Action Needed"?
The description of:
this answer seems to be valid
is actually very correct. If there's anything wrong with the answer, you should be doing something, not just chosing "No action needed". You've ...
Should 1-off bad reports in First Post/Late Post queue be reported?
The "No Action Needed" button primarily exists to stop robo-reviewers from upvoting the answer instead. Thankfully, that didn't happen, and there are users (like you) who watch the review queue for ...
How can someone review a late answer which was reviewed hours before?
A situation like this could happen as follows:
User A visits the Late Answers review queue and gets this item for reviewing.
They do not review it yet, but leave the browser window open, and let the ...
- 253k
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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