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24 votes

Why am I being notified just now of comments that were posted six years ago?

I do apologise. The question was brought to my attention and while investigating it I spotted that there were a number of obsolete comments on the answer which I deleted. I then noticed that the ...
ChrisF's user avatar
  • 101k
11 votes

Automatically create accounts in all sister sites

This question is quite old, and in the intervening years it's become much easier to create an account on a new site. If you visit a site (while logged in) where you don't have an account, all you ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
10 votes

How can I create a secondary SE account unlinked from the main account?

Yes, Stack Exchange is using cookies to keep you logged in. (This in itself is perfectly normal; pretty much all web sites that let you log in do that.) Further, due to the distributed nature of ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
10 votes

Are users trackable from outside over the network?

Yes, they can. First of all there is your network profile (or have a look at mine) which is linked from the right top corner on every site userprofile. There is a feature to hide communities Hiding ...
rene's user avatar
  • 91.4k
7 votes

I did not start with 101 rep on a new site, despite doing so before

Well - this is a new account. Searching for your username (which is a public thing) turns up another, older account with the same name - which could indicate the issue you have. This account has less ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
7 votes

Can I separate a Stack Overflow account from other accounts on the Stack Exchange network?

If the profiles are already connected to the same network account, then no that is not possible. You would need to have that idea in mind when creating the profiles, and use a different email address ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 190k
6 votes

How to create a new account without having to change email, so I can ask questions anonymously?

The only way to post questions anonymously is to create a new account (or ask as an unregistered user on sites that allow that) in an entirely separate browser session. You must not use any email ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
6 votes

Association bonus not awarded when joining new site

My money is on "something else going on". But if the AU profile didn't show up on your network profile until yesterday... hard to tell what at this point, since whatever got broken probably happened 2-...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
4 votes

Is there a way to get reputation changes network-wide via the API?

There is a related feature request for this. Go upvote it. Meanwhile, one workaround is to: Poll the /users/{ids}/associated route (no more than once per minute). You can get up to 100 site's data ...
Awesome Poodles's user avatar
4 votes

Association bonus not awarded when joining new site, plus profile not updated

I followed @JohnMiliter's suggestion, deleted and joined again. And it is working as intended.
Piro's user avatar
  • 753
4 votes

How can I change the website URL displayed on my Stack Exchange profile webpages?

To edit your blog link: When logged in, go to your Meta profile and press the Edit profile and settings link at the top. Scroll past the About Me editor to the Web Presence section. Edit the Website ...
a wizard arachnid's user avatar
4 votes

My network profile flair keeps showing that I don't have any linked accounts with 200+rep

Apparently you have none (at least from a regular user's point of view) I guess that hidden accounts are not going to show up, and all your visible accounts are under 200 reputation. I can see a ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
3 votes

How can I write a cross-site Data Explorer query that joins databases on linked accounts?

I've taken the idea and query from Mark Hurd and removed the need to do a generate and copy-paste. You can run a multi-database query in one go. Here is how. The EXEC() statement does take a T-SQL ...
rene's user avatar
  • 91.4k
3 votes

My network profile flair keeps showing that I don't have any linked accounts with 200+rep

You hid some of your accounts. You can unhide them using this link: After unhiding, you may need to wait 24-36 hours before the flair ...
wythagoras's user avatar
  • 9,278
3 votes

Why aren't all communities shown in the user profile?

Why aren't all communities shown in profile? Probably because there's an easier way to get to the list of all your communities: Click on the Stack Exchange menu on the top bar. Click the "YOUR ...
41686d6564's user avatar
  • 15.3k
2 votes

Orphaned question

When you ask a question as a guest, your credentials are stored in a cookie on your browser. As long as you have the cookie, and use the same browser profile, you should be posting with that same ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
2 votes

Answer draft is lost if you click to sign up

How I ran into it After completing my post, I clicked 'sign in' > 'sign in with google' to leverage my network account that has Google login capability. As soon as the login+account was created, I ...
Dennis Jaheruddin's user avatar
2 votes

No way to change or delete Stack Exchange login

You can simply contact us to have the login itself deleted, but I'd like to clarify that this will not itself solve the issue you're facing. The problem is that we still hold an obsolete Email field ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 190k
2 votes

I think my account is glitched on Quantum Computing SE

I figured it out. Using a computer browser, I went to my profile on Quantum Computing and clicked "delete profile". This way the "Join this Community" button appeared in the top right, so I clicked it,...
Pedro A's user avatar
  • 231
2 votes

Don't let the association bonus be given away as bounties

Let me spend my Reputation the way I want Sometimes, I join a specific network site just to ask a specific question. I can't really engage with the site as I would with my "main" site, simply because ...
MechMK1's user avatar
  • 5,220
2 votes

My math.stackexchange profile showing 3 times my account and reputation problem

Good news: it was actually only showing up twice -- the "Current Community" part at the top is just the site that you're on at the time when you're viewing the dropdown. I'm honestly not 100% sure ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
1 vote

Add users' linked account ids to the data dump

The users file has as documented since February 2014 an AccountId attribute. This enables to link users between several sites. Notice that the attribute emailhash, as mentioned in the comments, is now ...
rene's user avatar
  • 91.4k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible