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17 votes

Where are all the bullets and numbers for my lists?

This is a CSS reset issue that is deploying now. For historical reasons, we allow for Stacks to be configurable with 2 different CSS resets. Our testing environment had one. Production had the other. ...
Aaron Shekey's user avatar
  • 14.8k
12 votes

The styling for lists (numbered and bulleted) got switched to None

Ok, this is all fixed up. Thanks for posting it! This was related to some removal of "unused" CSS. Just a bit of housecleaning. Here's the related issue over on Stacks. Basically, we have ...
Aaron Shekey's user avatar
  • 14.8k
11 votes

"How to Format/Tag" uses "►", creating less-accessible "lists"

This has been finished. The old ugly arrows are now gone on both the the tag formatting and mod private message info boxes. plain old bullet points now used more consistently good riddance, dingus!
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
  • 63.6k
9 votes

Numbered lists display fine after newline only if the first item starts with 1; otherwise, they need an extra newline in between

This is a CommonMark rule exception for ordered list markers. 5.2 List items The following rules define list items: Exceptions: When the first list item in a list interrupts a paragraph—that is, ...
bad_coder's user avatar
  • 27.9k
9 votes

The "Describe why you would make a good moderator" box uses "►", creating less-accessible "lists"

This has been fixed. I replaced the arrows with a list on both places you've mentioned. I believe those are the only ones.
marrados's user avatar
  • 3,519
9 votes

Incorrect rendering in all but answer list

This is status-bydesign. The issue is that the Markdown text renders differently in CommonMark (the new Markdown renderer) vs. how it rendered in the prior Markdown->HTML converter SE used. The ...
Makyen's user avatar
  • 25.2k
8 votes

feature request: make numbered list formatting less math unfriendly

Is this really necessary? The difference between 1 and 1 · 1 is (at least to me) quite obvious: above, the dot is shifted to the left (so it belongs to the first 1) and it has the same baseline as ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 254k
7 votes

Add parenthesis as an accepted Markdown ordered list delimiter

Parenthesis-delimited lists using 1) now work on Meta Stack Exchange: We're switching to CommonMark
pkamb's user avatar
  • 4,677
7 votes

How to write nested numbered lists

This is quite old but there I go. What worked for me was to tab once after each line that is followed by another line. Item 1.1. Sub item 1.2. Sub item Item 2.1. Sub item 2.2. Sub item
AMD's user avatar
  • 79
7 votes

Bug in Stack Overflow Markdown rendering when code follows a list

The system is unintuitive but I believe it works as designed. There’s a second meaning to indentation: “continue the list above” and this takes priority over indentation being interpreted as starting ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 54.6k
6 votes

Does <Shift> + <Enter> create lists automatically if the line starts with a dash or a bullet?

Yup, it does. The source code of the editor is available here on Google Code Archive and the Markdown.Editor.js file contains the following lines: // Auto-indent on shift-enter util.addEvent(inputBox, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 254k
5 votes

How to write nested numbered lists

Nested bulleted lists, deeper levels: ---- leave here an empty row * A item, first level - no space in front the bullet character * Aa item, second level - 1 space is enough * Aaa item, ...
Franta's user avatar
  • 161
5 votes

How to write nested numbered lists

Great question; here is one way: Markdown Numbered SubList <ul> <li>1. First Item</li> <li>2. Second Item <ul> <li>2.1 Second Item Sub Item 1 </li>...
Catto's user avatar
  • 151
5 votes

Add parenthesis as an accepted Markdown ordered list delimiter

CommonMark allows for 1) parenthesis 2) delimited 3) ordered 4) lists Will CommonMark be adopted for SE?
pkamb's user avatar
  • 4,677
5 votes

Code block is not properly formatted when placed immediately after a list item

This just got bumped. I'm looking through the answers. All the workarounds are hacky. So you should probably go with the following if you want the most semantically benign workaround: - A list item. ...
Jason C's user avatar
  • 26k
5 votes

Unenclosed <li> element without <ul> or <ol> creates bullet point outside text area

Eh. Using plain HTML within posts is mostly supported, but not really encouraged - especially not when there are Markdown equivalents. If you choose to use HTML instead anyway, it's on you to make ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
4 votes

Stack Exchange Markdown rendering shows incorrect list spacing

This has been completed as part of new post formatting changes.
Ben Kelly's user avatar
  • 5,405
4 votes

Stack Exchange Markdown rendering shows incorrect list spacing

It's been like that since forever. :-( Either shrug and live with it, or avoid authoring complicated lists -- either one level of list with optional list paragraphs, or two levels of lists but ...
ChrisW's user avatar
  • 10.5k
4 votes

Markdown, nested list : how to incorporate a nested list between two lines of a same list element

I think this works: 1. test 1. test 2. test test which produces test test test test So the trick is just to add some indentation (but not too much, or it will be interpreted as a code ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 254k
4 votes

Unordered list is shown as nested in the on-site rendering but flat in the post editor

The Markdown is messed up so the HTML result gets messed up as well. At least the server-side renderer does a better job at recovering. Fix it by editing the list: remove the leading space and give ...
rene's user avatar
  • 91.4k
3 votes

Post formatting is not accurate for numbered lists of code blocks. Is this a bug?

I seem to remember that putting the code fence on the same line as the list marker, but indenting the rest of the block to match the first character of the fence, works: 1. ``` { label: `Baz ${...
muru's user avatar
  • 8,140
3 votes

Separator bar in numbered list breaks formatting

Different web browsers render slightly different results: Google Chrome (110.0) line appears between the first two items Firefox (110.0) line appears between the first two items second and third ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
2 votes

Spoiler in list hides list number

This seems like a bug in WebKit / Blink - they're applying the child selector for the first child of the list element (.spoiler:not(:hover)>*) to the list marker. Note that if the spoiler isn't ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
2 votes

Numbered list misaligned when I use intermediate bullet points

I can Make Such Type Of Lists For that Add an extra line after the - bulletin before continuing the number bulletin And Align the numbered bulletins without any padding in the left. You added ...
Optimus Prime's user avatar
2 votes

Empty strings within a list ignored in web, but not in app

This will be fixed for the iOS app in It's kind of a weird rule with funky edges. This paragraph has a normal margin below it. Code This paragraph has no margin below it. Code
Brian Nickel's user avatar
  • 34.1k
1 vote

Lists using #) instead of #. break on render, but not preview, for this old post

This problem is caused by the #) style not working before the Commonmark migration. Since this particular post hadn't been edited since the migration, it hadn't been rendered with the new formatting. ...
bobble's user avatar
  • 8,314
1 vote

Bug in Stack Overflow Markdown rendering when code follows a list

Bracket your code with lines of three backticks. If you specify the language on the first such line, you will also get syntax-based coloring for that language (in Stack Overflow). List item One List ...
Jeff Zeitlin's user avatar
  • 2,009
1 vote

Bug in Stack Overflow Markdown rendering when code follows a list

Try using 7 spaces: One Two Three code Or, as raw: Try using 7 spaces: 1. One 2. Two 3. Three code This lines the code up with the list. To "reset" it back to the left border, ...
caird coinheringaahing's user avatar

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