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16 votes

Attempting to update my profile ends in error

TL;DR: Hopefully, John is unblocked now, after a couple of manual tweaks. As background, a very simplified diagram of the account <---> user profile relationship: Basically, an e-mail address ...
Aaron Bertrand's user avatar
  • 43.5k
15 votes

Unable to edit user profile: "Unusual error updating your profile"

An earlier refactoring went a little too far and removed a bit of tech debt that looked unused, but wasn't. The fix should be live in production now. Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for the ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
6 votes

Don't have Title option on "Edit your profile" page on Russian Stack Overflow

Yes, it is tied to Jobs. Other sites in the Stack Exchange network, like the one you're currently on, don't have the option either.
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 256k
4 votes

Clicking the edit button on my Area 51 profile gives a server error page

There was a gnarly bug we were searching for related to our caching... Basically we had some contracts unaccounted for in Area51 that were breaking deserialization! This issue had various ...
Felippe Rangel's user avatar
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4 votes

Broken Github icon on the My logins page

This is fixed. The github icon on the logins page is now shown, with all of its splendor.
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
2 votes

Let us know when we can change display name again

Thank you for the suggestion. Based on our current roadmap, this isn't work that we will take on, as it doesn't coincide with functional areas that we plan to improve in the near future.
Des's user avatar
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2 votes

Location auto fill showing old name of a country

While I hear you...I'm not sure what we should do (if anything) here. It's a Google maps decision and they support both. For example, "eSwatini" is in the list as well, and Google aliases it to ...
Nick Craver's user avatar

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