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19 votes

I can't post a question on Stack Overflow as it thinks it's spam

Why is Stack Overflow blocking it for being spam? Because the RegEx that is used to verify content concludes it is. These are the things you minimally need to address: length: we don't need the back ...
rene's user avatar
  • 91.4k
18 votes

How does this question not meet your quality standards?

Well ... everything? Is this a programming problem? If so, which language are you using? What have you tried to solve the problem? Where are you stuck? (Right now, which site did you post this ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 253k
16 votes

The title word filter is one of the worst ideas ever implemented on SO

Рroblem? No problem! Class 1: Accents èéêëòóôõöēĕėęěōŏőŕŗř Pŕóblém Class 2: Letters that look alike Ε U+0395 Greek Capital Letter Epsilon Ο U+039F Greek Capital Letter Omicron Ρ U+03A1 Greek ...
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
10 votes

Why can't I post this question on Stack Overflow?

The problem is probably in this part: this is a .php file extension removal snippet, for displaying links online. RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,}\s([^.]+).php [NC] RewriteRule ^ %...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 253k
10 votes

Let's make the automatic removal of salutations language specific!

The following list of words are now on the exclusion list: Saludos Hola Queridos Gracias Estimados Buen( o | a ) s Que tal
Juan M's user avatar
  • 5,942
10 votes

Avoiding "enter image description here"

Soooo many people don't bother following the simple instructions filled in automatically for alt text (old stats). Posts are rife with "enter image description here" which leaves content inaccessible ...
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
9 votes

Can we please block questions that contain nothing but a URL in the title?

I just checked on The Workplace, a medium-sized site, and we've had 34 of these in the last two weeks. (I haven't attempted any broader analysis; that was just taking a sample.) That's slightly more ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
9 votes

Is the spam filter for new users preventing people from showing their "homework"?

Most of the time it's just a matter of a long text having a lot of "trigger" words that amount to the automatic filter blocking it. In this case, the magic word is "printer". You can thank "CALL THIS ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 160k
8 votes

Block questions where the body is the same as the title

In spirit, I agree with you, and I wish people wouldn't post these. In practice, people evade every other hard block the system has in place, including adding nonsense to evade the quality filter (I ...
Ryan M's user avatar
  • 28.3k
7 votes

Forbid words "help", "confusion" (, etc?) in titles

"Forbid" seems too strict, and the comments above show some tongue-in-cheek methods that the users could avoid the ban. So I suggest to change this: Forbid words “help”, “confusion” (, etc?)...
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
7 votes

Avoiding "enter image description here"

This isn't a concern for most people. Its an accessibility concern, and one I actively try to keep in mind but most users aren't going to realise the importance of it, and its really about education. ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
7 votes

Question titles cannot be similar to those of a closed question

You say: why shouldn't the same question be asked again, with a different description? To me this sounds like you wish to ask a duplicate question. If they are not duplicates then editing the ...
PolyGeo's user avatar
  • 35.7k
7 votes

Could users still get “This question body does not meet our quality standards”?

Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 7,841
6 votes

Forced to edit the title in a migrated question

You did the right thing by changing the title. Quality filters in Stack Overflow are strict for a reason, to prevent as much low quality content as possible in advance, before it's even posted. ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
6 votes

Should 'Hi', 'thanks', taglines, and salutations be removed from posts?

I agree that "these items ['Hi', 'thanks', taglines, and salutations should] be removed during the editing of the post by an editor", and I would also remove the word 'please'. To me, all are ...
5 votes

Under what conditions are 漢字 blocked?

Answering my own question... As we know, it's an anti-spam feature (but probably helps out preventing questions in the wrong language too). So some of the details here are unable to be revealed; I ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
5 votes

"Writing Good Titles" forbids the phrase 'question-mark' in titles

Just remove the hyphen, that is, write question marks instead of question-marks, and you're good to go (and that's how it's supposed to be written anyway).
Konamiman's user avatar
  • 2,596
4 votes

Avoiding "enter image description here"

Shouldn't the site at least try to prevent this from happening? The system already does by asking the user to ... enter image description here. If the user can ignore a simple directive like this one,...
Masked Man's user avatar
  • 3,476
4 votes

Do some Stack Exchange sites have longer minimum question lengths than others?

Only Stack Overflow in Japanese (and its Meta). The minimum allowed length for the body of a question is set to 30 characters network-wide, but it's set to 20 on Stack Overflow in Japanese and its ...
V2Blast's user avatar
  • 7,773
4 votes

Request for new user limitation: minimum character count to ask a question

I understand the importance of this request. However, automating content quality control measures could be problematic, as users may find ways to bypass them. This is because the primary motivation ...
Rubén's user avatar
  • 16k
3 votes

Block questions where the body is the same as the title

As mentioned in the accepted and upvoted answer to one of the questions you mentioned (Title and question body are the same) by user102937: As unlikely as it sounds, people do occasionally ask on-...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes

No minimum question limit on SE sites?

Stack Overflow has 18 moderators at the moment. None of them are required to close a question or even delete it. That's mostly done by ordinary users who have somewhat more rep than you currently do. ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
3 votes

Does Meta SE automatically remove signatures?

Only salutations are removed by the system, not signatures. The Meta Stack Exchange community is sometimes a system of its own, and you can definitely count on signatures like that being removed here, ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 253k
3 votes

Why doesn't this question "meet our quality standards"?

That certainly seems more of a Programmers question. Stack Overflow is more for practical programming problems, that seems more of a hypothetical "methods and practices" kind of question. The Help ...
Cai's user avatar
  • 14.9k
3 votes

Link reference produces error “Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code”

It appears to be triggered when there are 3+ consecutive lines starting with [, each of which is <=80 characters long. You can work that around by putting an empty line after every 2 link ...
EvgenKo423's user avatar
  • 1,624
3 votes

Why isn't the word 'question' allowed in question titles?

Forbidding 'question' is on balance probably a good idea, but the current implementation also overzealously forbids the term 'question-mark' in titles, which is different. See that post of mine for a ...
smci's user avatar
  • 746
2 votes

Please remove the s/!/?/ title filter from Metaǃ

Somewhere along the line this restriction was dropped! I think the only site that still filters it is Stack Overflow main! Now you can stop retroflex clicking like you're speaking ǃXóõ!
Laurel's user avatar
  • 54.5k
2 votes

I can't write Chinese characters in edited posts, but OP could when posting

The expression that blocks these is pretty simple; if you poke around a bit, you'll probably find some workarounds. The author used such a workaround, which was then stripped automatically as the post ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 454k
2 votes

Is there something similar to the quality filter for edits made by the OP?

Apparently there isn't something similar to the quality filter for edits made by the OP, but there are some related feature requests: What can we do to stop spammers from exploiting the grace period? ...
Rubén's user avatar
  • 16k
2 votes

Question titles cannot be similar to those of a closed question

Given that the titles are the same, I assume the questions are duplicates There are two scenarios here: 1. You are the author of the original question, which has been closed by moderators. In this ...
user664303's user avatar

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible