Firing Community Managers: Stack Exchange is not interested in cooperating with the community, is it?
I write this post with tears literally in my eyes.
Though it pains me deeply to leave my communities, especially Mi Yodeya which I cherish and have helped build for close to nine years, I have ...
Firing Community Managers: Stack Exchange is not interested in cooperating with the community, is it?
We’re seeking to align the company so that it can continue growing in 2020 and we continue to be committed in investing in the community and ensuring that it has a seat at the table as we keep moving ...
Why is Stack Overflow trying to start audio?
Update: 2019-06-27
We’ve been working on a lot behind the scenes and wanted to give an update here. On Stack Overflow specifically the ads are delivered directly through us or relayed through ...
What is the association bonus, and how does it work?
Congratulations! One of your linked accounts has reached 200 reputation points, and as a result, all associated accounts are given a 100 point bonus.
What is the "association bonus"?
The ...
Community wiki
Firing Community Managers: Stack Exchange is not interested in cooperating with the community, is it?
This action and the response from SE are an insult to every meta user's intelligence. I refuse to accept that someone would actually think that firing the people that could hold this community ...
June 2023 Data Dump is missing
Update 2023-06-18
The Data Dump has been re-enabled. The latest data dump is available on The Internet Archive. It was uploaded at 2023-06-14, and contains data up to 2023-06-03.
Additionally, a ...
New post lock available on meta sites: Policy Lock
Emphasise the "official" bit, de-emphasise the "lock" bit
Update: The language and appearance of the policy notice has been updated to be very close to what has ...
Under what circumstances will Stack Exchange, Inc. share private/sensitive information with the press?
We didn't have a policy here; we do now: "no comment."
This is the first time that we've been asked to comment on a quote concerning a moderator, and reporters aren't always very forthcoming. So we'...
Firing Community Managers: Stack Exchange is not interested in cooperating with the community, is it?
We’re seeking to align the company so that it can continue growing in 2020 and we continue to be committed in investing in the community and ensuring that it has a seat at the table as we keep moving ...
Why was the previous Code of Conduct FAQ (and all answers) removed?
(Disclaimer: I do have an answer on that question, too ... and I am sad to see the 500 upvotes gone. But my issue is a different one.)
That is exactly the opposite of what Stack Exchange Inc. should ...
Has anyone tried approaching any of the investors to improve community-company communication?
For what it's worth, I'm on the board, and have been following along with pretty much all of the conversations here in Meta. (For perspective, I experience the community as a fairly typical user — low ...
Spam Profiles are getting my goat. Could we have better tools for mods to deal with profile spam?
Maybe SE simply shouldn't publicly show profiles for users that have no interaction at all on the site. Users that have never voted, posted or done anything at all are just noise in the user listings ...
June 2023 Data Dump is missing
Few things have made me more livid than what we've just learned through the answer given by AMtwo.
The data dump is one of the main reasons why I'm still participating to this day and has been part of ...
The company's commitment to the data dumps, the API, and SEDE
(Note: the quoted sentence was edited after I posted my answer. I am leaving this answer unedited and undeleted, so that it is available for folks reading the revision history.)
From the original ...
Will concerns regarding the move to CC BY-SA 4.0 elicit any further dialogue from Stack Exchange, Inc.?
One week later...
Okay, well, I guess we have our answer.
To say that I am disappointed in this company's behaviour would be a gross understatement.
I tried to politely offer the option of direct ...
Why is "The Loop" survey asking about race, age, and gender?
Because that is what Corporate actually cares about. Or at least race & gender. Probably age to a lesser degree. The "gender" part has been emphasized recently via the "pronoun problem", but both ...
Why was the previous Code of Conduct FAQ (and all answers) removed?
In my not so humble opinion, SE is making a massive mistake deleting the thread.
I agree that semantically, historical locking might not be appropriate. However, effectively it's exactly what we need....
The Many Memes of Meta
Meme: Twitter-driven development (also occasionally called Twittergate)
Origin: Meta Stack Exchange on revisiting the Hot Network Questions feature Twitter
Cultural height: Whenever a feature is ...
Community wiki
Dear SE, please stop disparaging the moderators in the press
Moderators worked with Stack Exchange to develop the GPT policy
I fully expect that page to disappear soon so I'll paste it below.
A few important things to take away from this policy:
"While ...
(Historical) Policy on the use of GPT detectors
Prologue: meta
Much as I've wanted to, I've refrained from saying much about this situation thus far, primarily because this policy wasn't public.
Even though I knew the gist of it—for folks had ...
Today's inappropriate ad: Playboy model on Biology
Every time you post one of these, I think:
The Twitter/HNQ incident around this time last year was caused by the question title, "How to approach a friend about his girlfriend asking to sleep with me?...
June 2023 Data Dump is missing
Friday evening
That's it, and the dump is uploaded. Many thanks to the stackers involved, especially Aaron Bertrand, who babysat the thing for days.
Update as of Friday morning (2023-06-16 12:29:39Z)...
(Historical) Policy on the use of GPT detectors
Honestly, this just shows the lack of trust/communication between the company and moderators and the community (but again thanks for publishing this). The policy focuses on the reliance on GPT ...
New post lock available on meta sites: Policy Lock
adding an answer
to model the appearance
of the new lock here
Under what circumstances will Stack Exchange, Inc. share private/sensitive information with the press?
No one can get the necessary individuals to answer this question, so I'll just leave this here.
Sara Chipps has damaged the trust of the community in Stack Exchange, Inc.
We as users cannot trust ...
Under new processes, Monica's removal should complete the Conduct Review, not request Reinstatement
The reinstatement process is a red herring with regards to Monica's situation.
SE did not follow their own removal process (It didn't exist then, granted, but still).
This wasn't an emergency ...
All tag labels suddenly appear in bold font
This is what the new tags look like on Software Engineering Stack Exchange, with an example of a question with a watched tag and a question without, using the home view (which doesn't show a question ...
Missing publicist badge?
Thanks for reporting this. The query was broken and has been for a little while. It should now be fixed along with some improvements to it.
The original queries for the sharing badges Announcer, ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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