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23 votes

Dramatic increase in New User accounts - why?

UPDATE: Not the answer This answer was written under the assumption that accounts were being created automatically when logged in with a Google account. The actual issue, as described in the linked ...
Criggie's user avatar
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14 votes

Does SO use & for study related emails?

Yes, Stack Exchange uses those domains in recent messages they send about participating in research. Older such emails used different domains. Looking back at a recent email I received about Stack ...
Makyen's user avatar
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14 votes

I comply with backoff orders, but still get "Violation of backoff parameter"

The short answer is: you're going to get those errors, regardless of what you do, potentially even making a single request. Your code just needs to deal with having received the error and recover ...
Makyen's user avatar
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13 votes

What's the impact on a recipient user account if a "unfriendly or unkind" flag is accepted?

Two options that moderators have will mark a comment flag helpful: delete and edit. If enough unfriendly/unkind comment flags are marked helpful on a user's comments in a short enough timeframe, ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 54.6k
13 votes

Am I allowed to publicly reshare some JSON file containing SE data created after the introduction of the new data dump process?

Philippe already recognized that right: Maxwell175 Commented Jul 12 at 23:15: @Philippe, you do realize that there is nothing you can do to prevent your community from simply maintaining the archive....
M-- Save the Data Dump's user avatar
12 votes

New Vote Types in latest data dump?

Looking in full.en.js, which should be ok to do as this answer did the same, we find a list of VoteTypeIds: var VoteTypeId; (function (VoteTypeId) { VoteTypeId[VoteTypeId["informModerator&...
Тyma Gaidash's user avatar
11 votes

What site to ask about the world's mountains?

If about traveling, you can try asking on Travel Stack Exchange, which has a mountains tag.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
11 votes

What site to ask about the world's mountains?

Earth Science has a mountains tag that says it's Questions regarding large land masses that reach high above the surrounding terrain, usually forming a peak. As always do check the site's help ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
11 votes

Why is there an "Access level changed: Access now read-write" in my chat reply log?

On August 17th, a moderator moved a bunch of messages to the chatroom in your screenshot. When a moderator moves comments to chat, it grants all participants "Explicit write access" in order ...
Spevacus's user avatar
  • 28.2k
10 votes

How to find questions and answers that are likely to be deleted within the next 24 hours?

I know of one way: visit the Charcoal HQ chatroom. Lots of potential spam is posted there, and if it's actually spam, it's usually deleted within the next 24 hours. On some sites with lots of active ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 254k
10 votes

Moderator Agreement Version 3 missing

I asked about this when the latest Moderator Agreement (v5) was rolled out. While I can't quote the exact response, since it was in a moderator-only space, the answer is in essence that /versions/3 is ...
Mithical's user avatar
  • 83.4k
9 votes

Guidance for asking "Tune my machine learning model" questions

What to do with these kind of "Tune my ML model"-questions? Post on SO if it's a coding issue, or Data Science SE if it's an AI issue. MWEs can be provided using public datasets, and ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
8 votes

Can editing a closed and deleted question send it to the reopen review queue?

Doesn't work It goes to the reopen queue, but is almost immediately invalidated and removed because the question is still deleted.
Laurel's user avatar
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7 votes

What is the proper Q&A community for this particular topic: allergies and robot vacuum cleaners

You could try Medical Sciences. See for example this search for HEPA.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
7 votes

Weekly question limit: is there other than 1?

There are (perhaps confusingly) two different views of this same information in the moderator tools: Note the blue box, where it says "limited to 1 question per week: no" and the "...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 64.4k
7 votes

How to find questions and answers that are likely to be deleted within the next 24 hours?

If you have 10K reputation you can use the tools page to find a link to new-answers-old-questions - that's the Stack Overflow link but each site has its own. On larger sites this has lots of new ...
Robert Longson's user avatar
6 votes

What will happen if a user who initially have the bounty privilege but lost it during the duration of the bounty?

The privilege only covers offering bounties. You can award bounties you have already offered regardless your current reputation level. You can offer a bounty even if the bounty spend, or any other ...
CPlus's user avatar
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6 votes

What site to post a question about uBlock?

Question seems fine in its current form for Super User
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
6 votes

Guidance for asking "Tune my machine learning model" questions

It can make sense to find, or write, more generic versions of such questions to use as duplicate targets; see e.g. the discussion at What's the best way to answer "my neural network doesn'...
Scortchi - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
5 votes

I seem to be in the cloudflare penalty box, is there anything I can do to get out?

It seems like Cloudflare might be flagging your employer's datacenter IP due to how it sees traffic from that location, especially with a VDI setup. Even though it’s a private network, it might still ...
Gira's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a delayed effect from reopening a question on subsequent close votes coming soon after?

The question you believe is a duplicate of the question that you were trying to close was actually closed as a duplicate of the question you were trying to close. If the question had been closed, they ...
Starship's user avatar
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5 votes

The per-site data dump downloads are missing metadata files

This change has been made. Please see this post for more details on other fixes and changes related to data dumps.
Berthold's user avatar
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5 votes

Fetching posts in a given month with the StackExchange Data Explorer produces Execution Timeout Expired error

That query will do a full table scan on the view Posts (which is backed by the table PostsWithDeleted) because that table is lacking an index on the creationdate attribute, assuming you rewrite that ...
rene's user avatar
  • 91.4k
5 votes

Cloudflare blocking requests to StackExchange API when User-Agent header is not specified

I had similar issue, requests to /posts/ API was erroring "403 Forbidden" from Github actions job. I'm using WebClient in .NET console application. I debugged it, and the same error was ...
MSDN.WhiteKnight's user avatar
4 votes

How can I get a list of all of my profiles?

A list of all your accounts can be found in your Network profile under your accounts tab. To quickly access your Network profile, click the Network profile button at the top right of your Site profile....
CPlus's user avatar
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4 votes

What site to ask about the world's mountains?

The Great Outdoors also has a mountains tag for: Questions specifically about mountains and their properties, geology, geography and topology should be tagged with this tag. This tag is not to be ...
muru's user avatar
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4 votes

Where to find space to share ideas and get feeddback

The only space available in Stack Exchange for those things is the chat. Each site has its own chat room, and the requirement is pretty low, with 20 reputation you can chat freely.
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
4 votes

Formatting Sandbox

Testing font support for the glyphs used by the programming language Uiua in default monospace fonts for StackExchange on different systems. ◠ (above) ⌵ (absolute value) + (add) ⍤ (assert) ∠ (atangent)...
4 votes

Why is the top bar link pointing to Stack Exchange instead of the site home on all sites but Stack Overflow?

This was changed during the New top bar is coming to the Stack Exchange network. Originally, the Stack Overflow logo would redirect to Stack Overflow homepage, and the Stack Exchange logo would ...
Meta Andrew T.'s user avatar
4 votes

Searching text in code blocks don't work

It seems that code search only works for entire words, where words are whitespace-separated strings. Taking the example posts from the question: Search term Posts appear in results verMagicNumber ✅ ...
muru's user avatar
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Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible