A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.
The process by which high-reputation users and moderators can vote to delete a post from the site.
For the suggestion of improvements to the phrasing of text shown to users by the Stack Exchange engine.
Questions about the legal aspects of Stack Exchange sites, such as the terms of service, using content and/or code-snippets, attribution, copyrights, patents, using trademarks, etc. General legal ques…
Questions also answered by the user asking, easily marked by the shaded user card attached to the answer.
Serial voting is the act of casting many upvotes or downvotes on the posts of a specific user without proper reason. Also known as voting fraud.
For questions about the profile picture option, which allows users to upload a custom photo as their avatar. Not for questions about Gravatar.
Tooltips are the little blurbs that pop up when you hover over an element on a web page. They are typically taken from an element's "title" attribute.
The process by which users can vote a question re-opened if it is closed due to some users seeing it as off-topic or otherwise disallowed by the /faq.
Users may only earn a certain amount of reputation each day, with the exception of reputation coming from accepted answers and bounties.
For questions about Stack Exchange announcements, or announcements from the Stack Exchange team that detail recent changes across the network.
For questions about linked accounts
Flair is an auto-generated image displaying a user's total reputation and badge counts on one Stack Exchange site or across all of them.
For questions concerning various error messages that users receive throughout the network.
For questions about comment @replies, also called pings.
Activities such as searching, voting, editing your own posts, or suggesting edits are rate-limited on Stack Exchange sites. These restrictions generally exist to prevent abuse.
Questions that are light-hearted but hopefully of some additional use beyond mere entertainment.
A dropdown containing recent reputation, badges, and privileges earned across all Stack Exchange sites
Questions about the licensing of content on Stack Exchange sites.
HTTPS (TLS, aka SSL) is supported on Stack Exchange. Use this tag for any bugs related to it.
Friendly comparison chart showing the reputation gains and losses between users on a site
Times a question has been seen by eyeballs, or a profile has been looked over
Every user's account profile has a section showing the recent reviews, revisions, comments, badges, posts (questions and answers), and accepts.
For questions related to user privacy.
The component of the SE post editor that allows users to upload images to i.sstatic.net (previously i.stack.imgur.com) and display them in the post.
For questions about the CAPTCHA used on Stack Exchange sites to verify that you're a person and not a spam-bot.
Can the site(s) be used by specified users to achieve specified goals?
Indicates that the circumstances behind a bug report are set to be internally reviewed, or that the feature request contains merit to consider but the decision on its approval or decline requires more…
A request to reopen a specific closed question here on this site, or receive further explanation of why it was closed. If it's on another site, ask it on the per-site meta instead. For questions about…
For posts that are related to those Stack Exchange sites which are currently in beta phase.
MathJax is a JavaScript engine for displaying mathematics, available on some Stack Exchange sites.
For questions about the public or private beta phase of a site's progress through the Area 51 site creation process.
Questions about the live Markdown preview of posts as they're being typed.
For questions about how the account merge system works.
Questions that discuss the usability of Stack Exchange sites by people with disabilities.
For questions related to the policies of Stack Exchange.
For posts about security issues centered around Stack Exchange. If you think you found a serious security vulnerability, please report it on the Security page found at https://stackexchange.com/about/…