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Jeremy's user avatar
Jeremy's user avatar
Jeremy's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
741 votes

What does "user was removed" mean and why did my reputation change because of it?

115 votes

All Stack Exchange data dump releases

73 votes

Please do something to encourage people to scale down their giant heavyweight photos

72 votes

Allowing images from external sources opens doors to serious security exploits and privacy risks

51 votes

The Internet is changing: Here's how we're evolving with it

39 votes

Allow suppression of automatic linking of web addresses

35 votes

What is "Answer Bot" and what is it doing?

34 votes

How was the iconic Stack Overflow emblem born?

33 votes

How Does the Community User Set Bounties?

33 votes

Hosting options for people that have Imgur blocked by their ISP

28 votes

New Feature: Community Review Tasks - Now in Beta

26 votes

Sandbox archive

25 votes

Is deleting a down-voted answer to preserve my reputation points bad?

24 votes

Election candidates with more than 100 downvotes are not showing the minus sign against the number of downvotes

21 votes

How many Area 51 sites failed the beta phase?

20 votes

Filtering "hot" questions

19 votes

Does the deleted question "Why is Git better than Subversion?" deserve a historical lock?

19 votes

How can I tell a comment is from the question asker?

19 votes

Badges are not synoptical - present them as hierarchy?

18 votes

What do SO, SF and SU stand for?

17 votes

Is it important to say "thanks" after getting correct answer?

17 votes

Why is Stack Overflow suddenly getting spammed by a bunch of random Facebookers?

17 votes

Support for OpenID ended on July 25, 2018

16 votes

Don't throw away all votes when a user is deleted

16 votes

Hosting all Stack Exchange data dumps on

16 votes

API endpoints return a 40x code with error "no method found with this name" when reading the name of Staging Ground's badges

16 votes

Why was I given the Constituent and Caucus badges when I haven't even visited the election page yet?

16 votes

Why can I see spam/offensive chat flags?

16 votes

Stack Exchange OpenID credentials not removed on logout, allowing insecure re-login

16 votes

Add an option to include a drop shadow to images posted

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