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Michael Todd's user avatar
Michael Todd
  • Member for 15 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
Off Topic or Not Constructive? Do close voters simply follow reasons chosen by others?
@Bart How do you propose we correct herd mentality? Or resolve the "idiot in a hurry" problem? We're fighting against human behavior, here, and we need to have a good reason to change a fundamental portion of the system for what appears to me to be a very minor point.
Is it allowed to announce a freelance project here?
@AlexShesterov Because questions asked here are up/downvoted differently than other sites. A downvote here means I disagree. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but that's the way it is.
Isn't Stack Overflow a bit like the Stonecutter's club?
Sometimes it sucks to be late to the game.
Suggestion: Score timeline graph for individual question
If you really love data and statistics, you'll take the raw stuff and make it prettier than anything anyone else could think of. Heck, even a quick graph in Excel looks good these days.
Suggestion: Score timeline graph for individual question
Couldn't you just hit the SE Data Explorer? (Never used it, though it looks like it might fit the bill.)
What should I do with my frustration at having a question closed after writing a thoughtful answer?
A number of type of questions are very likely to get closed, quickly. Book requests is one of them. Avoid answering those types of questions.
Alternative ways to get SO mug
@AndreiPetrenko Perhaps someone could smuggle it into the Ukraine, past the Internet payment gateway censors.
Deleting your comment appears to trigger the 5-second rule
I've always found that a bit odd as well, but not odd enough to worry about it. I usually count to five and try again.
Why was my question closed and how to contact the closer
@Arjan Of course, but that's not a direct message to the closer, that's a comment that everyone can see. It seemed like the OP here wanted to PM with the person who closed the question. If not, the commenting mechanism is certainly appropriate.
Why was my question closed and how to contact the closer
@MarkJ No, it doesn't inform the closer, but it informs others who may be able to do something about it. Contacting the closer? Not sure I'd want to see an "email" (or whatever) every time I closed something and the OP didn't like it.
Can I post my program that Stack Overflow has helped build?
This is a Q&A site. What question could you possibly ask when posting the application? Host it on github and tell people about it on your blog or a forum.
User asking to remove upvote so he would get the "Unsung Hero" badge
@Cody Never underestimate the power of a gold star.
How to cancel a flagged post?
A "flag toggle" would be nice. I've had the same thing happen to me as the OP.
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