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einpoklum's user avatar
einpoklum's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
638 votes

An apology to our community, and next steps

595 votes

Update: an agreement with Monica Cellio

235 votes

Why is SE removing links and community ads about a legal fund campaign?

232 votes

New post summary designs on site home pages and greatest hits now; everywhere else eventually

142 votes

Could Stack Exchange be less American-centric?

79 votes

Is the Community capable of coming up with better solutions than "the Loop"?

78 votes

Moderation Strike: Stack Overflow, Inc. cannot consistently ignore, mistreat, and malign its volunteers

73 votes

Has there been any discussion regarding the original stated reasons for the question up votes being set at +5 from +10 earlier?

57 votes

Stack Exchange Public Q&A access will not be restricted in Russia

57 votes

Our partnership with Google and commitment to socially responsible AI

45 votes

How does one join the new "working group"?

44 votes

Congratulations to the 59 sites that just left Beta

42 votes

New post summary designs on site home pages and greatest hits now; everywhere else eventually

39 votes

Why is "The Loop" survey asking about race, age, and gender?

38 votes

What is the role of Director of Public Q&A?

30 votes

May I put my pronouns in my username?

29 votes

Why were the Code of Conduct changes received so negatively, and what can / could have been done to change that?

24 votes

We are updating our Code of Conduct and we would like your feedback

22 votes

The ship is sinking, but communication is down (need orders from the captain (CEO))

20 votes

Please revert the line-height change!

20 votes

Can I ask for a recent feature change to be reverted in whole, and what are the chances of such a request succeeding?

20 votes

Responding to the Lavender Letter and commitments moving forward

19 votes

New post formatting

18 votes

How should I deal with the new CoC as non-native English speaker?

16 votes

New Feature: Table Support

15 votes

Please don't sidebar me

14 votes

Monica's situation continues unresolved. Is SE hoping the problem just goes away?

14 votes

How should I refer to the OP?

14 votes

We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows

13 votes

New post formatting