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tim's user avatar
tim's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
  • NY and VT
152 votes

Cancelling upvote on comment?

83 votes

Is losing privileges after placing bounty OK?

30 votes

No way to remove accidental upvote on a comment

17 votes

What is the boat programming meme about?

16 votes

What topics would you like to learn at DevDays 2011?

11 votes

What is with people not marking their questions as answered?

10 votes

Who owns the content I post?

10 votes

What should SO's motto be?

10 votes

Open Source Advertising - Sidebar - 1H 2011

9 votes

When to drink when listening to Stack Overflow?

9 votes

Area 51 Voting Reset and Changes

8 votes

Why do I *always* have to accept an answer at the end of the bounty period?

8 votes

What should I do since Joel Spolsky doesn't want questions to have troubleshooting steps?

8 votes

What topics would you like to learn at DevDays 2011?

5 votes

What are the rules on using the Stack Overflow logo?

5 votes

Please do not auto select answers on bounty questions

5 votes

Does SO, SF, MSO, and SU make enough support $$$ from ads?

4 votes

Lost my motivation after 3000 points

4 votes

Joel to quit the podcast?

3 votes

How do you respond when someone offers to pay you on SO?

3 votes

Can we have the ability to retract a close vote before it closes?

2 votes

What is the SE team's response to community feedback on the new Area 51 voting system?

2 votes

When do we sort out the gray area questions for a proposal?

2 votes

Why was Apocalyptic Defense closed?

2 votes

Where is the StackOverflow podcast #87?

1 vote

Chastising users for non-acceptance

1 vote

Area 51, new voting system - results

1 vote

Offer a special, discounted "startup rate" on Stack Overflow Careers

1 vote

Joel to quit the podcast?

1 vote

We need to help non-English-speakers somehow