Some comments I use as a template to be friendly to newcomers and help them feel welcomed when they make some mistakes in some posts:
Stack Overflow is a Q&A site. Would you please change the title to a
question asking what exactly do you need to know? Besides the code is not properly formatted because some
of it is outside of the code block. Also the first "Please" and last
"Please help out" are out of place.
Explaining in your post what you tried would be wonderful because else
it looks like you only want the job to be done for you for free. What
did you try? What errors or problems did you get trying whatever you
tried? etc.
I see you are relatively new to this platform. Please don't take
downvotes personally. They are meant to show that the post is
low-quality and can be improved, but newcomers tend to take it as an
insult and start feeling rejected.