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Jason Bassford's user avatar
Jason Bassford's user avatar
Jason Bassford's user avatar
Jason Bassford
  • Member for 6 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
185 votes

Stack Overflow is doing me ongoing harm; it's time to fix it!

180 votes

Monica's situation continues unresolved. Is SE hoping the problem just goes away?

83 votes

Congratulations to our 29 oldest beta sites - They're now no longer beta!

70 votes

Updated comment flagging - Supporting the new Code of Conduct

57 votes

Why was the previous Code of Conduct FAQ (and all answers) removed?

38 votes

Feedback post: Moderator review and reinstatement processes

35 votes

An apology to our community, and next steps

22 votes

Can questions capture and show how much time the user spends writing them?

17 votes

Please don't allow a single mod the ability to close a question

16 votes

If your son would ask, "Dad, why... ?", would you answer: "Too broad, closed"?

15 votes

Does the company want to enforce CoC irrespective of the backlash it received?

12 votes

Respect aspect ratio of profile picture

12 votes

New users should not be able to VOTE to accept / reject edits

11 votes

Implications of the Help Center: "Plagiarism doesn't matter unless it's an answer"

9 votes

Allow staff members to opt out of reputation

8 votes

What should the criteria be for Stack Exchange sites to leave beta?

8 votes

Deleted posts could create confusion for colour blind users; is there something to be done about it?

7 votes

Answering etiquette

7 votes

What should be done with the feature that redirects searches for numbers to the question with that ID?

6 votes

Not receiving notifications on my new phone from android app

6 votes

How can I answer a question?

5 votes

What languages are allowed in

5 votes

Live: Left nav, new theming and responsiveness

5 votes

The text above the "edit" box should clarify that you shouldn't use edits to fix an incorrect answer

5 votes

Stack of questions to ask in future

4 votes

Is it allowed to directly copy paste a meta post from one of the network sites to another?

4 votes

Is there a way to put bold text after a punctuation sign in comments?

3 votes

Color for new events in dropdown is too light

3 votes

Two questions with the same answer?

2 votes

Add the ability to ignore users