I use the tag php* as a favourite, to catch all of the badly (version specific) tagged PHP questions. When trying to link this tag in chat with [tag:php*] that tag is not parsed.

Also when pasting a link to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/php* everything before the asterisk is converted to a link, and the asterisk itself is omitted.

Looks like the markdown parser for questions doesn't handle it for tags either.


Markdown parser does do it for links in questions, but it does not work for chat.

test link

Using the [title](url) format in chat also filters out the asterisk.


1 Answer 1


The starred link works in this answer, in its preview, in this comment. It's broken in the chat, but only on postback (not in the javascript call).

Marking as reproduced.

  • Year later, any update? Commented Feb 25, 2015 at 21:08

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