Questions asking for links seem to be not constructive to me, generally speaking.
What you would read in that kind of questions is one or more answers containing a link, which could be take to a site that is not visible for any reason (e.g. problem with the server). I doubt there would be an explanation of why a link is preferable instead of another one, and the future readers would find just a list of links they should try one by one until they don't find the one that suits better their uses.
To find links you could use Google, and you would have the pro that the list of links would be dynamic, differently from answers on Stack Exchange that should be edited to be updated, or a new answer should be written when a new resource is available.
I understand that in some cases it is rather difficult that 100 new sites are created to host the documentation of a library, but I still think that Stack Exchange is not done for rapidly changing answers.