I just saw a first post from a user asking about a C# stack trace.
It was a valid programming question for someone with little experience, yet it was marked down twice.
I've always believed that there are no stupid questions. Am I wrong?
I just saw a first post from a user asking about a C# stack trace.
It was a valid programming question for someone with little experience, yet it was marked down twice.
I've always believed that there are no stupid questions. Am I wrong?
I think people get annoyed if you are not clear or don't take any time or effort in asking a question.
There are no stupid questions, only lazy posters.
Perhaps a bit blunt, but I agree with Chris's observation: if I'm going to ask the SO community to help me, the least I can do is state my problem clearly. On the other hand, if the question itself has merit but is not clear, a helpful edit provides far more value to the community than a downvote.
As others have mentioned, showing that you've put some effort into the problem yourself goes a long way, regardless of your native language or the correctness of your English. In this spirit, I've edited the post referenced by the OP.
I don't think there are any questions in themselves that are stupid. We've all failed to RTFM at one time or another; we've all misread something that in retrospect makes the answer obvious.
However, asking questions in a way that implies that you've taken no time or effort to express it clearly, or think about the problem, says, in effect, that you are devaluing the time spent by the reader in making sense of the question. This is disrespectful, and annoys people as a consequence. That said, it's good to make allowances for non-native English speakers.
Consider the difference between, for instance:
"How do you do X?"
"I'm trying to do X... I've looked here and here, but I don't understand Y"
The latter shows that the questioner is being specific, and is making an effort. People are more inclined to help such questioners, than when there's a suspicion that they're just being used to do someone's Google search for them.
I always get annoyed by questions that are answered in every beginner’s book or tutorial. Asking these questions is a clear matter of “I don’t want to learn myself, please spoon-feed me.” Needless to say, I’m not very fond of that.
In quizzing there's a phrase
There are no easy questions, just those you know the answer to.
I agree, there are basic, simple, beginner and novice questions - but Joel and Jeff did say on the podcast that these learning points are one of the prime aims for the site, to make it into a proper top-to-bottom educational resource.
There are plenty of stupid answers though.
From the faq page:
detailed and specific
written clearly and simply
of interest to at least one other programmer somewhere
So asking a beginners level question should be fine as long as it is clear, and specific!
Bumper sticker: "There are no stupid questions, but there are lots of inquisitive idiots!"
(But seriously, folks... ;-)
When I was teaching I used to tell my students, "The only stupid question is the one you should have asked but were too embarrassed to do so."
On the other hand, one can ask a question very poorly.
Sometimes it isn't even clear how to answer a poorly-expressed question. And one can ask the same question over and over. And one can ask a question in a way that makes it a complaint in disguise. And, as others have pointed out, one can ask a question in a way that makes it clear that there hasn't been any serious investment of effort prior to asking someone else to solve the problem.
I wouldn't say there are stupid questions, however, there are questions that are too broadly scoped, badly written or answerable with a quick look on, say, wikipedia. Of those I only really consider the broad scope to be worthy of a down-vote, all the others are easily fixed. I also believe you should comment when you downvote to give the asker a chance to improove him-/herself.
I think asking questions, regardless of how stupid it may seem from the outside, isn't stupid at all. Even the greatest phisophers promoted asking questions. Being humble and knowing what you don't know is - in my opinion - the key to gaining knowledge in the first place.
I believe the only "stupid" questions are "plz send me the code" questions.
Then there are the Google questions, those for which the answer can be found very easily and quickly. However, some of these questions can lead to very constructive discussions.
I guess we should understand that, there are no stupid questions at all. Not everyone can understand what is written in the books or taught to them. You might have to explain to them the concepts in a different way.
This idea that 'it's a bad question if you can find it easily on google' misses the point of stackoverflow; it's supposed to be the programmers resource. If the answers to such questions are on stackoverflow, people will find it via google. It really bugs me when responses just say 'let me google that for you' - now that's a stupid answer.
I think what qualifies as a stupid questio depends on both the person and the environment they are in. So there are stupid questions but it is not easy to determine which are stupid with out knowing more about the questioner.
@GordonG The problem is that a beginner seldom has the knowledge to make a clear and concise question.
This makes me think that questions shouldn't be edited in full to clarify them: if you're asking a beginner's question, chances are that someone will ask the same again. If the original question is edited, you can't even search for it.
An example: how many people ask about -say- looping through arrays, when the actual best solution to their problem would be a map()? If you edit the text of the question, the next person wondering about looping through arrays won't find this, because he's not thinking of map() at all.
UPDATE: I was thinking of the times as n00b when I wanted to do X in a language without knowing that the best way in it was Y. This is fairly common going from -say- Perl to Python, or from procedural to functional or OO programming. Hope this makes it clearer.
I'll give you my definition of 'stupid question' by example: I work with $framework (in php, hate away). It has, among other things, a website where people can submit tutorials on different $framework matters, and other people can comment on those.
Now, some good soul had posted a tutorial on how to make search easy in $framework. Days later, another person asks a completely unrelated question, basically 'can't do this thing, please help'. I reply with 'you're spamming here, go to this other website to ask this kind of questions, in the meantime, here's some pointers'.
Two comments later, some other guy asks, and I quote:
I m new to $framework and i don't know how to install $framework please tell me the simple to install $framework i have already installed $webserver and $database and i don't know how to install $framework in $OS can anybody tell me step by step procedure of installition because i can't understand the manual
on the same page.
So yes, I do think there are stupid questions. Or selfish.
As to why bother replying: I am very interested in the search feature :)
The thing that annoys me is when people complain of a lack of clarity in the question, or say it is not worded well.
Not everybody in the world speaks English as a first language. Their English is probably better than your Lithuanian, or Chinese or whatever.
Do not assume that lack of great English == lack of intelligence and understanding.
This reminds me of an anecdote:
A university professor turns to his class after having explained a difficult subject for a length of time.
"Any questions?" he asks
There is silence in the auditorium.
"Well, come on, don't be shy! There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers!"
After a moment a voice can be heard coming from the back of the room:
"Is it true, that if I color myself green, stand with both of my feet on rails, an hold on with my hands to the wires above, I will start riding like a train?"
One of the difficulties of asking a question sometimes is knowing the ontology used to commonly express the details. To say that someone should have googled it requires that they know the particular keywords that are necessary to index into web pages on that topic. I answered this question earlier where a quick google told me the resources available. However I knew the precise name of the concept the questioner asked about. It's the difficulty with machine search that Google still hasn't solved for us.
Until they do, we'll need real people with actual knowledge around to answer seemingly stupid questions.
"What's the difference between a duck?" is a stupid question.
("One of its legs is both the same" is the answer... I know you were all wondering)
@Kezzer, I agree with you. Actually, a question is a question at all and it needs an answer (from the view of the person who ask a question), the mere fact that a person ask a question, he is thinking or he might be confused and needs another opinion or an answer.
A question gets kind of feeling like a "stupid question" when the answer is obvious. Again this is subjective, because the answer could be "Obvious" for lots of people (infact majority) in the community, but not really "obvious" for the OP. Hence the reason for asking question.
It can be argued that the OP is lazy to find the solution for his question, but by asking the question he is actually trying to find an answer too ;) (and risking downvotes too)
There ARE stupid questions.
This is an answer to a simple question. But that doesn't help me in my very special case of kind of stupid questions.
There are stupid questions, that can be answered with just "think about it", "look at what you wrote (it contains the answer)" or "RTFM". But this answer implies that you invested some time to help the questioner to resolve its problem.
And still you will be down-voted! Even when you tell them its not polite, but true. Sometimes you help people more by not being polite.
If you are polite, you will be exploited at some point. If you are not polite, then the SO logic will ensure that you will be voted down.
You only can get a big bag of up-votes by being PC, or by being trend-whoring...
If you are real, then you are f***ed.
If you try to explain why you are real, your threads are being closed, and then you are f***ed too.
So, the intent of SO was good, but at the end its far from reality, it is just some nice bling-bling, as any other www-site. Sad, but true.