I do not understand why a perfectly valid question I asked is getting downvoted:
Please delete the question as the website doesn't allow me to.
I do not understand why a perfectly valid question I asked is getting downvoted:
Please delete the question as the website doesn't allow me to.
Your question was downvoted because it didn't show any research effort (check the downvote tooltip). Had you done a bit of Googling or used a validator, the answer would have been clear to you. I believe you got further flak on this because, as a high reputation user, you probably should know this by now.
Stack Overflow has policies that optimize for good questions; keeping the site interesting and engaging. Basic questions that can be answered by a quick Google don't really add to the site.
I suggest you read How To Ask to prevent this from happening in the future.
The reason you can't delete it is because it already has upvoted answers. To me, the question and answers are rather trivial, so I wouldn't mind it being deleted. However, people have put some effort into answering it (and have gotten reputation for it), so it may be wrong to deny them that.
[citation needed]
. I don't recall reading that anywhere :/
Jun 24, 2013 at 19:12
It may be possible to disassociate the question from your account - can't say for sure, but the top answer to How do I remove my name from a post, in accordance with CC:WIKI? suggests so.
I've been in this situation before (where I'm not allowed to delete a question I don't like) and it sucks. That is seriously messed up. It is messed up to be told "you've made a mistake, but you aren't allowed to undo it; sorry buddy but you're going to have to sit through this beating".
I say this question should be disassociated from the author's account if it cannot be deleted. No civilised community would tell someone he screwed up but prevent the mistake being corrected, forcing one to endure its consequences.
I do not understand why a perfectly valid question I asked is getting downvoted
. Like bažmegakapa and others commented:-1 - This question does not show any research effort.
I would imagine that your question would be trivial to test, and combined with your high reputation, is causing quite a backlash.