Part 2 of 2
<Description>First answer was accepted with at least 10 up votes</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* get first accepted answers with score of at least 10 */ (select max(accepted.OwnerUserId) UserId, count(*) ItemCount from Posts p with (nolock) inner join Posts accepted on accepted.Id = p.AcceptedAnswerId inner join Posts q on q.Id = accepted.ParentId where p.AcceptedAnswerId is not null and accepted.Score >= 10 and p.AcceptedAnswerId = (select min(answers.Id) from Posts answers with (nolock) where answers.ParentId = p.Id and PostTypeId = 2 and answers.OwnerUserId <> q.OwnerUserId and DeletionDate is null) and p.DeletionDate is null and p.PostTypeId = 1 group by accepted.OwnerUserId) x left outer join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Enlightened' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Name>Nice Question</Name>
<Description>Question voted up 10 times</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list number of questions with score > 10 */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) UserId, count(*) ItemCount from Posts p with (nolock) where p.PostTypeId = 1 and p.DeletionDate is null and (p.Score >= 10) group by p.OwnerUserId) x left outer join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Nice Question' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Name>Good Question</Name>
<Description>Question voted up 25 times</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list number of questions with score > 25 */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) UserId, count(*) ItemCount from Posts p with (nolock) where p.PostTypeId = 1 and p.DeletionDate is null and (p.Score >= 25) group by p.OwnerUserId) x left outer join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Good Question' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Name>Great Question</Name>
<Description>Question voted up 100 times</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list number of questions with score > 100 */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) UserId, count(*) ItemCount from Posts p with (nolock) where p.PostTypeId = 1 and p.DeletionDate is null and p.Score >= 100 group by p.OwnerUserId) x left outer join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Great Question' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Name>Nice Answer</Name>
<Description>Answer voted up 10 times</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list number of answers with score > 10 */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) UserId, count(*) ItemCount from Posts p with (nolock) where p.PostTypeId = 2 and p.DeletionDate is null and (p.Score >= 10) group by p.OwnerUserId) x left outer join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Nice Answer' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Name>Good Answer</Name>
<Description>Answer voted up 25 times</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list number of answers with score > 25 */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) UserId, count(*) ItemCount from Posts p with (nolock) where p.PostTypeId = 2 and p.DeletionDate is null and (p.Score >= 25) group by p.OwnerUserId) x left outer join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Good Answer' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Name>Great Answer</Name>
<Description>Answer voted up 100 times</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list number of answers with score > 100 */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) UserId, count(*) ItemCount from Posts p with (nolock) where p.PostTypeId = 2 and p.DeletionDate is null and p.Score >= 100 group by p.OwnerUserId) x left outer join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Great Answer' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Name>Popular Question</Name>
<Description>Asked a question with 1,000 views</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list number of questions with views > 1000 */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) UserId, count(*) ItemCount from Posts p with (nolock) where p.PostTypeId = 1 and p.DeletionDate is null and (p.ViewCount >= 1000) and p.OwnerUserId is not null group by p.OwnerUserId) x left hash join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Popular Question' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Name>Notable Question</Name>
<Description>Asked a question with 2,500 views</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list number of questions with views > 2500 */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) UserId, count(*) ItemCount from Posts p with (nolock) where p.PostTypeId = 1 and p.DeletionDate is null and (p.ViewCount >= 2500) and p.OwnerUserId is not null group by p.OwnerUserId) x left hash join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Notable Question' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Name>Famous Question</Name>
<Description>Asked a question with 10,000 views</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list number of questions with views > 10000 */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) UserId, count(*) ItemCount from Posts p with (nolock) where p.PostTypeId = 1 and p.DeletionDate is null and p.ViewCount >= 10000 and p.OwnerUserId is not null group by p.OwnerUserId) x left hash join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Famous Question' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Description>Contributed to Stack Overflow in an unusual way</Description>
<Description>Left 10 comments</Description>
<Command>select u.Id from Users u with (nolock), /* return all userids with 10 comments */ (select max(UserId) as UserId from PostComments pc with (nolock) where pc.DeletionDate is null group by UserId having count(UserId) >= 10) x where u.Id not in /* return all userids who do NOT have the badge */ (select UserId from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Commentator') and u.Id = x.UserId</Command>
<Name>Civic Duty</Name>
<Description>Voted 300 times</Description>
<Command>select u.Id from Users u with (nolock), /* return all userids with 300+ votes */ (select max(UserId) as UserId from Posts2Votes p2v with (nolock) where p2v.DeletionDate is null and (p2v.VoteTypeId = 2 or p2v.VoteTypeId = 3) group by UserId having count(UserId) >= 300) x where u.Id not in /* return all userids who do NOT have the badge */ (select UserId from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Civic Duty') and u.Id = x.UserId</Command>
<Name>Favorite Question</Name>
<Description>Question favorited by 25 users</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list number of answers with favorites > 25 */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) UserId, count(*) ItemCount from Posts p with (nolock) where p.Id in (select max(PostId) from Posts2Votes p2v where VoteTypeId = 5 and p2v.DeletionDate is null group by PostId having count(*) >= 25) and p.DeletionDate is null group by p.OwnerUserId) x left outer join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Favorite Question' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Name>Stellar Question</Name>
<Description>Question favorited by 100 users</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list number of answers with favorites > 100 */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) UserId, count(*) ItemCount from Posts p with (nolock) where p.Id in (select max(PostId) from Posts2Votes p2v where VoteTypeId = 5 and p2v.DeletionDate is null group by PostId having count(*) >= 100) and p.DeletionDate is null group by p.OwnerUserId) x left outer join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Stellar Question' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Description>Deleted own post with score of 3 or higher</Description>
<Command>select u.Id from Users u with (nolock), /* return all userids who have deleted own post with 3+ upvotes */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) as UserId from Posts p where p.DeletionDate is not null and p.Score >= 3 and p.OwnerUserId = (select top 1 UserId from PostHistory ph where ph.PostId = p.Id and ph.PostHistoryTypeId = 12 order by ph.CreationDate desc) group by p.OwnerUserId) x where u.Id not in /* return all userids who do NOT have the badge */ (select UserId from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Disciplined') and u.Id = x.UserId</Command>
<Name>Peer Pressure</Name>
<Description>Deleted own post with score of -3 or lower</Description>
<Command>select u.Id from Users u with (nolock), /* return all userids who have deleted own post with 3+ downvotes */ (select max(p.OwnerUserId) as UserId from Posts p where p.PostTypeId in (1,2) and p.DeletionDate is not null and p.Score <= -3 and p.OwnerUserId = (select top 1 UserId from PostHistory ph where ph.PostId = p.Id and ph.PostHistoryTypeId = 12 order by ph.CreationDate desc) group by p.OwnerUserId) x where u.Id not in /* return all userids who do NOT have the badge */ (select UserId from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Peer Pressure') and u.Id = x.UserId</Command>
<Description>Provided an answer that outscored an accepted answer with 10 votes by 2x</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list users whose non-accepted answers are more than 2x the score of the accepted answer */ (select MAX(OwnerUserId) as UserId, COUNT(*) as ItemCount from ( select OwnerUserId from ( select p.Id, accepted.Score as AcceptedScore from Posts p inner join Posts accepted on p.AcceptedAnswerId = accepted.Id where p.AcceptedAnswerId is not null and p.DeletionDate is null and accepted.Score > 10 ) x inner join Posts answers on answers.ParentId = x.Id where Score > AcceptedScore * 2 and answers.DeletionDate is null and (select max(Score) from Posts temp where temp.ParentId = x.Id and temp.DeletionDate is null) = Score ) as rollup group by OwnerUserId) x left outer join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Populist' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Description>Asked a question with no answers, no comments, and low views for a week</Description>
<Description>Visited the site each day for 30 days</Description>
<Command>select v.UserId [Id] from vBadgeEnthusiast v where not exists (select 1 from Users2Badges u2b join Badges b on b.Id = u2b.BadgeId and b.Name = 'Enthusiast' where u2b.UserId = v.UserId)</Command>
<Description>Visited the site each day for 100 days</Description>
<Command>select v.UserId [Id] from vBadgeFanatic v where not exists (select 1 from Users2Badges u2b join Badges b on b.Id = u2b.BadgeId and b.Name = 'Fanatic' where u2b.UserId = v.UserId)</Command>
<Description>Left 10 comments with score of 10 or more</Description>
<Command>select u.Id from Users u with (nolock), /* return all userids with 10 comments of score >= 10 */ (select UserId from PostComments where UserId is not null and DeletionDate is null and Score >= 10 group by UserId having COUNT(*) >= 10) x where u.Id not in /* return all userids who do NOT have the badge */ (select UserId from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Pundit') and u.Id = x.UserId</Command>
<Description>Provided answer of +20 score to a question of -5 score</Description>
<Command>select x.UserId, x.ItemCount, y.BadgeCount from /* list users who have answers with score >= 20 on a question of score <= -5 */ (select MAX(OwnerUserId) as UserId, COUNT(*) as ItemCount from (select a.OwnerUserId, a.Id from Posts a inner join Posts q on a.ParentId = q.Id where a.PostTypeId = 2 and a.DeletionDate is null and q.DeletionDate is null and a.Score >= 20 and q.Score <= -5) as rollup group by OwnerUserId) x left outer join /* list number of badges of this type for all users */ (select max(u2b.UserId) UserId, count(*) BadgeCount from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Reversal' group by u2b.UserId, u2b.BadgeId) y on x.UserId = y.UserId /* only award new badges if the matching items outnumber the current badge count */ where (ItemCount > BadgeCount or BadgeCount is null)</Command>
<Description>Hit the daily reputation cap for the first time</Description>
<Command>select u.Id from Users u with (nolock), /* return all userids who have hit the rep cap for 1 day */ (select TargetUserId as UserId from (select TargetUserId, CONVERT(char(8), CreationDate, 112) as DayPeriod, SUM(TargetRepChange) as DayRep from Posts2Votes where TargetRepChange is not null and DeletionDate is null group by TargetUserId, CONVERT(char(8), CreationDate, 112) having SUM(TargetRepChange) >= 200) as x group by TargetUserId having COUNT(*) >= 1) x where u.Id not in /* return all userids who do NOT have the badge */ (select UserId from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Mortarboard') and u.Id = x.UserId</Command>
<Description>Hit the daily reputation cap on 50 days</Description>
<Command>select u.Id from Users u with (nolock), /* return all userids who have hit the rep cap for 50 days */ (select TargetUserId as UserId from (select TargetUserId, CONVERT(char(8), CreationDate, 112) as DayPeriod, SUM(TargetRepChange) as DayRep from Posts2Votes where TargetRepChange is not null and DeletionDate is null group by TargetUserId, CONVERT(char(8), CreationDate, 112) having SUM(TargetRepChange) >= 200) as x group by TargetUserId having COUNT(*) >= 50) x where u.Id not in /* return all userids who do NOT have the badge */ (select UserId from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Epic') and u.Id = x.UserId</Command>
<Description>Hit the daily reputation cap on 150 days</Description>
<Command>select u.Id from Users u with (nolock), /* return all userids who have hit the rep cap for 150 days */ (select TargetUserId as UserId from (select TargetUserId, CONVERT(char(8), CreationDate, 112) as DayPeriod, SUM(TargetRepChange) as DayRep from Posts2Votes where TargetRepChange is not null and DeletionDate is null group by TargetUserId, CONVERT(char(8), CreationDate, 112) having SUM(TargetRepChange) >= 200) as x group by TargetUserId having COUNT(*) >= 150) x where u.Id not in /* return all userids who do NOT have the badge */ (select UserId from Users2Badges u2b with (nolock) inner join Badges b on u2b.BadgeId = b.Id where b.Name = 'Legendary') and u.Id = x.UserId</Command>