Possible Duplicate:
What to do with questions that are answered with no answers?
(This is not a duplicate of What to do with questions that are answered with no answers? which is from the owner's perspective)
On the Super User Unanswered Tab, I get to see
which features two questions that are actually answered:
Why does Cygwin slow down after it has been running for a while?
Removing the network drives from the path seems to have cured the problem.
How to stick ssh-agent locking to the windows login?
Thanks, that's even easier! If you post this as an answer I'll accept it.
From my expierence, very often these comments dont' get followed up.
As you can see in the screenshot, one dates from 2 months ago and the other of several months.
This means that, the longest button in the header, doesn't work properly
What can we do about this? It would be way more handy to see questions where I can answer/upvote.
But now, most of the questions are the same one as yesterday, the day before, and so on... [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/hrvZm.png