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Oct 1, 2010 at 20:46 comment added Eric Weilnau @Robert Cartaino: That is great to hear. I also appreciate the difficulty given the complexity (and sensitivity) of the issues involved. I truly look forward to what changes may come.
Oct 1, 2010 at 19:55 comment added Robert Cartaino @Eric Weilnau: There has been some discussion of supporting some type of cross-posting at the database level (i.e. post on another site by reference, linked to the original question... somehow) but it is a pretty complicated issue and I don't know where it is going to go. Just to let you know that situations do change and we ARE thinking about these things.
Oct 1, 2010 at 17:06 comment added Eric Weilnau @Robert Cartaino: I think that the note on the recently closed Vim proposal which indicates that it is a duplicate of 3 different sites may indicate that this topic warrants further discussion. What are your thoughts on the ideal way to get expert answers to questions on Vim? Specifically, a non-programming related Vim question posted to SuperUser could be missed by the expert Vim users that are only on StackOverflow or Programmers.SE. Perhaps this could be a part of the expansion of community around the tags to promote visibility of questions using the same tag on other sites?
Aug 1, 2009 at 21:09 comment added Robert Cartaino To illustrate my point, I thought of a question which could potentially work on both sites. "How do I allow access only to certain websites?" This could be asked on both Serverfault and Superuser (corporate network vs family PC). But, given the context of the two sites, you would likely received very different, but equally helpful, answers.
Aug 1, 2009 at 17:11 comment added Robert Cartaino If the question does not belong on both sites, that other user would be closed and redirected to the correct site. In that rare, rare case where a question truly needs to live and grow on both sites, I would personally recommend that the question be allow to stay on both sites. Both sites have a unique audience and a different purpose, so the question would be answered in a different context and likely contain unique information of value to each audience. Links in the question and comments would take care of any cross-referencing that would be helpful.
Aug 1, 2009 at 16:01 comment added nagul The point I'm making is that when questions have relevance to both sites, it's quite likely one user will prefer SF and another will post to SU, and you'll end up with duplicate postings. The users who do this will be mostly casual users who will not stop to ponder over which site is more relevant or search both sites first. Your suggestion might work for a dedicated SO/SF/SU user, not so much for a casual user. Also relevant is that when sites grow popular and reach a certain critical mass, there are more casual users on the site than dedicated users.
Aug 1, 2009 at 15:18 comment added akf ...and you could edit your first question/site with a link to the followup site - so that any searchers who happen upon the first question will have the benefit of both answer sets.
Aug 1, 2009 at 15:06 history answered Robert Cartaino CC BY-SA 2.5