- Stack Overflow (in French)
- Stack Overflow (in German)
- Stack Overflow (in Bengali)
- Stack Overflow (in Hindi)
- Stack Overflow (in Italian)
- Stack Overflow (in Portuguese) for Portugal
- Stack Overflow (in Turkish)
- Stack Overflow [In Chinese]
- Desarrollo de Software en Español
Related to the question Are Stack Overflow (in language x) proposals actually viable?, I wonder if it wouldn't make the Internet a better place™make the Internet a better place™, to
instead of re-creating Stack Overflow sites in other languages
- with duplicate content of Stack Overflow in the best case, and
- original content that would be helpful at Stack Overflow but won't be posted there then in the worst case,
offer translations of Stack Overflow? My idea would be, you start off with a Google Translate result (which is probably not that great but enough to help) as a separate database and ask users to improve the translation by editing, maybe rewarding good translations as an incentive1.
One important requirement would however be that new questions/answers were translated back to English so that the entire international Stack Overflow-conglomerate could still benefit from them without Secession.
1) Something more than the 2 rep for suggested edits might be adequate. I don't know if upvoting on translations made a nice option, the feature-request voting on edits is still open...