Questions that are not a good fit for this site may be voted closed by experienced community members. Closed questions cannot be answered, but are eligible for improvement (and eventual re-opening) through editing, voting, and commenting.
Users with 3000 reputation can cast up to 50 close votes per day. When a question reaches 5 close votes, it is marked as closed, and will no longer accept answers. Closed questions may be opened by casting reopen votes in the same manner. However, you may only vote to close or reopen a question once.
What can I do to get my question reopened?
Carefully read the message below your question. The text should explain why it was closed and point you to the FAQ. In order to have it reopened, you will have to edit your question to meet the standards outlined there. Take into account any constructive comments you received, and read the How to Ask guide.
Once you edited the question accordingly, you may use the "flag" link to inform a moderator about your changes.
They will judge if the question is worth reopening. Similarly, users with 3000 reputation can cast a "reopen" vote, which behave the same as close votes.
You can also visit Meta to post a "reopen request".
What should I not do?
Do not post the question again. Chances are it will be closed too, and also possibly deleted. You always need to fix your closed question first.