It seems that there are many good questions that end up being closed as "not constructive" because they are open ended or end up being never-ending lists of small answers. Examples are "best hidden Eclipse featuresbest hidden Eclipse features" or "good questions to ask during interviews." Similarly, questions like "what's the best or most popular tool/language to solve a certain problem" can have real value to programmers.
I think it would be nice if there were a Stack Exchange-like interface to support questions and answers like this. I could see it working sort of like Area 51's site suggestion mechanism, only much leaner.
Maybe there could be a way to specify that a question needs open-ended list of answers. These types of questions couldn't choose an "answer." Users could submit "micro-answers" that would show up in a more list-like format, and the answers with the most votes would float to the top of the list. Duplicate answers could be flagged as such. You'd also need a way to split up single answers into multiple ones when users put too much in a single "answer."