I have been banned from asking questions on SOStackOverflow, but do not understand why I have been receiving so many down votes.
When I ask questions on SOStackOverflow, I strive to make them easy to read by splitting them into sections. But, I do not have a great knowledge of programming and thus came here to learn and understand further. I usually research my questions before asking, and even though they might be trivial, they are important to me. If no one answers, I research further (occasionally for hours on end) to figure out my question, quickly posting the answer on SOStackOverflow.
I love to post answers on SOStackOverflow, but they occasionally contain misinformation. This is commented on, and I fix it promptly. Strangely, though, the down votes tend to come after the edit, with no additional help. This has happened to me here, here and here.
How should I go about editing these questions and answers - even when I am confused about the flaw in them?
Some of my posts have gotten an upvote and a downvote - are these weighted equally, or because of the policy, is there no way to know?
I am worried that even if I edit my posts, fix misinformation, and think more before asking a question it won't be noticed. Is there any way to fast track my (hopeful) re-acceptance into this great community?
If anyone has the time, can they please point out some questions (or answers) of mine which are obviously of low quality, and point out the specific flaw? This would be extremely helpful and I will appreciate it immensely.
Where should I look before asking questions - even though I research, my questions are taken down quickly.
What online resources should I use to help myself learn and answer others questions. Simply saying "The Documentation" does not help. I am using Python 2.7.3
Having used SOStackOverflow for a month now, I have realized that several of my questions do not belong here, but would be a great fit on Super User with a few tweaks. They have been closed, but is there a way for me to migrate them, thus (hopefully) regaining my lost reputation here and contributing to that community? Here is the list of them: