I recently closed this questionthis question as being too localized, but a majority of other users closed it as being not a real question, so the latter is displayed as being the sole reason of why the question was closed.
Why is it that when people cast close votes for different reasons, only 1 reason is displayed when the question is closed? I think it would be valuable for the original poster to know that his/her question was very localized, and probably wouldn't have been helpful and applicable to most other programmers in general.
As this answer to Does a user need to select a close reason if it will make no difference? states (emphasis mine):
And let's not forget that the close vote reasons aren't visible only to users who can vote to close, but also to the OP. For OPs I'd like to think checking what the close votes are about is a very strong hint on what the problem is with their question, there is some small educational value in displaying the different reasons why people thought the question is close worthy.