Well, there are some sites where the answers are a little fuzzier than others. As it happens, Christianity is not one of those sites. It could have been and some of the new users expect it to be, but the site has worked hard to not encourage "the meaning of life" questions or answers. To quote from the top answer to "What Christianity.StackExchange is (and more importantly, what it isn't)What Christianity.StackExchange is (and more importantly, what it isn't)":
- This site is a place to come to learn about what various Christian teachings have to say.
- This site is not a place to come to learn which Christian teachings are true.
- This site is a place to ask about, learn about, and inform about various Christian teachings, denominations, concepts, and doctrines.
- This site is not a place to debate which of these teachings are true.
- This site is a source for truthful answers about doctrine, Christian teachings, theology,
- This site is not a source for Truth with a capital "T"
These are extremely answerable questions. Anybody, including atheists, can learn about Christianity, Christian denominations, and Christian theology well enough to provide expert answers on the site.