From the,stackoverflow jsfiddle wiki we can ask questions related to jsfiddle.
Yes, that's true. It's like with questions about every other IDE.
But this question was closed as off the topic and following is the reason given...
We already established that the reason is the wrong one.
I ... just wanted to know how to view the older version.
Actually, you did not want to know how to view old versions (which might be on topic), you wanted to know why viewing of the old version of this does not work. That question is off-topic, or at least not a good fit, on SO because we can't answer this question. These versions do no seem to be available anymore on the jsfiddle servers, so the question "why" would be askedbetter directed at the jsfiddle support.
Also, as I already said, those comments of yours do not belong in the question itself, but in this very Meta question, as they add nothing to the question on SO.