CouldThere could even be a fun side thing, neither good nor bad. FewA few examples:
Refresher Badge - someone who refreshes a single page more than 20 times without browsing other parts of the site.
Narcissist - someone who after x amount of time being on the site has only looked at their own posts.
Camper - someone who leaves their window open on a single page for more than 24 hours.
Refresher Badge - someone who refreshes a single page more than 20 times without browsing other parts of the site.
Narcissist - someone who after x amount of time being on the site has only looked at their own posts.
Camper - someone who leaves their window open on a single page for more than 24 hours.
The One - someone who has exponentially more quote code in their posts than non-quoted words.
The One - someone who has exponentially more quote code in their posts than non-quoted wordsEtc.
etc etc