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Jun 20, 2012 at 18:57 vote accept GEOCHET
Sep 15, 2009 at 17:35 comment added devinb @Pesto: I think blocking closed questions from being indexed by Google or Bing would be a good idea. Regardless of the [close] reason.
Sep 15, 2009 at 15:27 comment added Bill the Lizard Mod @Rich: Yes, like that. :)
Sep 15, 2009 at 15:16 comment added GEOCHET @Willy the reptile:
Sep 15, 2009 at 15:12 comment added Bill the Lizard Mod Deleting the stub and redirecting to the migrated question should probably be brought up as a separate question.
Sep 15, 2009 at 15:07 comment added GEOCHET @Pesto: Exactly. "Oh good, other people on SO have asked about syncing to itunes as well! Whoo hoo!"
Sep 15, 2009 at 15:04 comment added belgariontheking @Rich: Then why does my wife always come home grinning and covered in blood after hanging out with you?
Sep 15, 2009 at 15:04 comment added Hilarious Comedy Pesto @devinb: Except now you've made it so that if you search "What is the best kind of iPod" on Google you'll wind up with the closed question from SO. How does that do anyone any good?
Sep 15, 2009 at 15:02 comment added GEOCHET @btk: I haven't used an axe for my murderin in years.
Sep 15, 2009 at 15:01 comment added GEOCHET @Bill: Why not just redirect to the proper site and post and display an explanation?
Sep 15, 2009 at 15:01 comment added belgariontheking @Axe Murderin Rich: Isn't it painfully obvious that this site caters to the whiners?
Sep 15, 2009 at 15:00 comment added GEOCHET @devinb: There are far better solutions than keeping an unedited, uneditable copy of the post around.
Sep 15, 2009 at 15:00 comment added Bill the Lizard Mod The migrated questions aren't immediately deleted so that the OP (and anyone else with the same question) has a link to follow to get to the right site. I imagine at some point the stumps will be removed. Hopefully it will be automated to happen once they reach a certain age.
Sep 15, 2009 at 14:57 comment added devinb It is there so that if someone asks "What is the best kind of ipod" on SO, it will pop up with a similar question "What is the best kind of ipod [CLOSED]" and the user can visit the closed question, and realize their mistake.
Sep 15, 2009 at 14:56 comment added GEOCHET This is what I want to happen. I truly do not understand the idea of leaving the stump. Just to appease the crybabies and feel gooders?
Sep 15, 2009 at 14:54 history answered Hilarious Comedy Pesto CC BY-SA 2.5