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Timeline for Close Queue Vote/Open Stats

Current License: CC BY-SA 3.0

11 events
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Mar 27, 2014 at 0:25 answer added Victor Zakharov timeline score: 0
Mar 26, 2014 at 20:16 comment added Troyen @FrédéricHamidi Especially since when the breakdown by off-topic close reason was posted, the vast majority were "need to demonstrate a minimal understanding" which most people were using as "didn't show enough effort". If people downvoted low-effort questions instead of trying to close them, there would be significantly fewer questions in the queue, allowing the stuff that needs to be closed to actually get closed.
Mar 26, 2014 at 20:12 answer added Troyen timeline score: 7
Mar 26, 2014 at 13:20 comment added Frédéric Hamidi @Tim, absolutely. My understanding is that the number 5 has been chosen as a good middle-ground, quite possibly after data analysis, but a senior member would have to chime in to confirm that. However, IMHO five votes should be retained even if there is a small number of questions with 4 votes being deemed worthy enough to remain open.
Mar 26, 2014 at 13:17 comment added Tim B If on the other hand (and I think this is certainly possible, maybe even likely) in fact the number opened is tiny then reducing the threshold might make sense. After all following your argument I could say why not require 6, 7 or 8 close votes. After all there might be questions getting closed at the moment that should be left open. No number is perfect, just some are better than others.
Mar 26, 2014 at 13:16 comment added Tim B @FrédéricHamidi you believe. And your belief may be right. Belief is not a replacement for solid facts though and is a poor driver of policy. If someone does know a way to extract these figures we can get those solid facts and an evidence-based decision can be made. If the figures show large numbers being opened with 4 close votes then clearly your belief has been confirmed.
Mar 26, 2014 at 13:12 comment added Frédéric Hamidi @Tim, I did mean it ironically. I believe reducing the number of close votes will mechanically lead to more questions ending up closed although they should remain open. IMHO a "bad" question remaining open is better than a "good" question being closed. Primum non nocere, as they say.
Mar 26, 2014 at 12:57 comment added Tim B @FrédéricHamidi that's a good question even though I think you probably meant it ironically. Potentially you could reduce it below four but the only way to know if to see the figures. Hard figures would allow a proper objective analysis of how much accuracy is gained by each extra Close Vote required.
Mar 26, 2014 at 11:59 comment added OGHaza Fuzzying the number massively increased reviews for like 2 weeks, but the review rate is back to what it was, I'd be incredibly surprised if there is less than 120k (i.e the size pre-fuzzying) in the queue after we burn through this last 20k. I think reducing the number of votes required to 4 is a pretty sensible solution.
Mar 26, 2014 at 11:46 comment added Frédéric Hamidi Interesting. How many questions with three close votes end up not being closed? Because then you could make do with three votes. Or maybe two. Or maybe just one.
Mar 26, 2014 at 11:44 history asked Tim B CC BY-SA 3.0