This was a pretty large issue with the original conversion requirements. The dogpile of multiple folks who all not only think to edit the same post, but also edit all differently too. Sometimes they just saw different things to fix, other times they fixed the same thing just with different words. No matter how it was spun, of all the triggers this had the highest amount of false positives. This was an issue not just within the first few minutes of a post's life, but really in general. Sometimes it takes people some time, as you just have a bunch of people who see a post and notice someone missed something. And people notice that person missed something.
I digress. This is no longer an issue because thewe have removed all of the automatic triggers that convert a post to remove community wiki have all been removed. Instead, flags will be raised for moderator attention to note that something has happened that may be of concern.
In the case spoken of in this post, the velocity of editing is actually more reason that a moderator should pay attention to a post. If a huge bunch of people pile on a post, it may be an edit war or it could be something else that may require a more definitive edit path, if not outright temporary locking.