Considering just how many duplicates and alternate versions of this question there are, it's shocking just how pitifully inadequate the response from the developers has been.
I'm tempted to believe that it's yet another case of SEO overriding user experience, but crawlers wouldn't get filtered, so that can't be the issue either. Seriously, what gives?
Let me be clear, here: I like the hot questions feature. I see a lot of fun/interesting posts that I normally wouldn't be exposed to. I get to pick up random useful tidbits of information and conversation pieces that actually benefit me in my daily life.
But there's some sh** that I'm just not interested in, was never interested in, never will be interested, just not going to happen ever, frickin' leave me alone already damn it!
Are you hearing me, SE? You've accomplished your goal, you've exposed us to the questions. We have, in turn, in our infinite wisdom, decided that entire categories are not of interest to us. I don't read the sports section of the newspaper - not even the headlines - likewise, I don't want to see links to questions on Chinese languages or have to keep hearing about the ever-expanding downward spiral of popularity contests on the "programming puzzles" site.
Yes, I know what you're thinking. "If you don't like the feature, don't use it/don't look at it. You're still not listening. I like the feature. I want to use it. But you could be linking me to interesting questions that I want to read, and instead they're being drowned out in noise that I'm never, ever going to care about. This is anathema to your goal of spreading the love. Instead of occasionally reading sci-fi questions that I know deep down are time-wasters, or trying in vain to remember my 3rd-year university solid state physics material, I just give up and ignore the sidebar because just looking at actually annoys me. And I'm not alone in this, just look how many people hate the system:
Geeze Louise, this goes way beyond "who moved my cheese" - people from all different backgrounds are screaming for some control over this feature.
I'm inclined to agree that whitelisting actually isn't the appropriate response here. Yes, really. This isn't a security or spam filtering system, and Jeff is/was right about one thing, its entire purpose is to bring people outside their narrowly-chosen fields of interest. That's a good thing, especially when it comes to new sites popping up - we want to give them a chance. However, we really should not rule out blacklisting here; I'm just never going to read a question on Islam or Biblical Hermeneutics. Seriously - not ever. For me, personally, those links are just taking up space that could be used to draw my attention to more interesting, more personalized content.
As both a user and a very experienced web developer who has spent a lot of time working with SEO, marketing and ecomm folks, I honestly cannot fathom why this isn't a priority. This is basically equivalent to having untargeted rather than targeted ads. We figured out more than 10 years ago that targeted ads got more than twice the click-through rate, and the statistic gets confirmed again and again. It's not just what the users want - there's real money in this equation.
Or, even better, instead of a blacklist, throw some of those fancy ComScore analytics at the problem to figure out which links people actually click on and how long they stay, and then apply some predictive personalization, which can actually give you 3-4x as many click-throughs.
Sigh. Anyway, time for something constructive from me. There was a user script posted in a duplicate question, but it was buggy and the UI has now changed (it's in the right sidebar instead of the "multicollider"). So, here's a newer user script, with bugs fixed and working on the right sidebar:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Filter Hot SE questions
// @namespace
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
function embedScript(id, main, globalFunctions) {
var scriptElement = document.createElement("script");
scriptElement.type = "text/javascript"; = id;
var name, content = "";
if (globalFunctions) {
for (name in globalFunctions) {
if (globalFunctions.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
content = content + name + "=(" + globalFunctions[name].toString() + "());\n";
content = content + "(" + main.toString() + "());";
scriptElement.textContent = content;
return scriptElement;
embedScript("filter-hot-se-questions", function () {
var enableLogging = false;
var blacklist = [
var whitelist = [
$(function() {
var retryCount = 0;
const retryMax = 3;
function tryFilter() {
var $query = $("#hot-network-questions li").filter(function () {
var $link = $(this).find("a");
var site = $link.attr("href").match(/:\/\/(?:www\.)?(.[^\/:]+)/)[1];
if (!site) {
return false;
var isBlacklisted = $.inArray(site, blacklist) >= 0;
var isWhitelisted = $.inArray(site, whitelist) >= 0;
var isBlocked = isBlacklisted && !isWhitelisted;
if (enableLogging) {
var msgData = {
site: site,
isBlackListed: isBlacklisted,
isWhitelisted: isWhitelisted,
isBlocked: isBlocked
return isBlocked;
if ($query.length > 0) {
if (retryCount++ < retryMax) {
window.setTimeout(tryFilter, 250);
window.setTimeout(tryFilter, 250);
It's a crappy solution, but it's better than nothing. Of course, I personally use a much longer blacklist, but that's for individuals to decide. I'm not sure why the original had a whitelist and a blacklist, since whitelisting is already the default, but whatever, I've left it in just in case somebody wants it.