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replaced with
Source Link

Not a whole lot, at least right now.

  • They feed into some analytics that mods & employees use to keep an eye on the general health of the sites.
  • They're put into the public data dumps and Data ExplorerData Explorer for perusal by all and sundry.
  • They influence the selection of Greatest Hits.

There were some 10K tools as well (now hidden) intended to help flush out posts that were getting exceptional amounts of anonymous feedback; we may bring these back in some form eventually.

Not a whole lot, at least right now.

  • They feed into some analytics that mods & employees use to keep an eye on the general health of the sites.
  • They're put into the public data dumps and Data Explorer for perusal by all and sundry.
  • They influence the selection of Greatest Hits.

There were some 10K tools as well (now hidden) intended to help flush out posts that were getting exceptional amounts of anonymous feedback; we may bring these back in some form eventually.

Not a whole lot, at least right now.

  • They feed into some analytics that mods & employees use to keep an eye on the general health of the sites.
  • They're put into the public data dumps and Data Explorer for perusal by all and sundry.
  • They influence the selection of Greatest Hits.

There were some 10K tools as well (now hidden) intended to help flush out posts that were getting exceptional amounts of anonymous feedback; we may bring these back in some form eventually.

replaced with
Source Link

Not a whole lot, at least right now.

  • They feed into some analytics that mods & employees use to keep an eye on the general health of the sites.
  • They're put into the public data dumps and Data Explorer for perusal by all and sundry.
  • They influence the selection of Greatest HitsGreatest Hits.

There were some 10K tools as well (now hidden) intended to help flush out posts that were getting exceptional amounts of anonymous feedback; we may bring these back in some form eventually.

Not a whole lot, at least right now.

  • They feed into some analytics that mods & employees use to keep an eye on the general health of the sites.
  • They're put into the public data dumps and Data Explorer for perusal by all and sundry.
  • They influence the selection of Greatest Hits.

There were some 10K tools as well (now hidden) intended to help flush out posts that were getting exceptional amounts of anonymous feedback; we may bring these back in some form eventually.

Not a whole lot, at least right now.

  • They feed into some analytics that mods & employees use to keep an eye on the general health of the sites.
  • They're put into the public data dumps and Data Explorer for perusal by all and sundry.
  • They influence the selection of Greatest Hits.

There were some 10K tools as well (now hidden) intended to help flush out posts that were getting exceptional amounts of anonymous feedback; we may bring these back in some form eventually.

Source Link
Shog9 Mod
  • 454.4k
  • 203
  • 1.3k
  • 1.9k

Not a whole lot, at least right now.

  • They feed into some analytics that mods & employees use to keep an eye on the general health of the sites.
  • They're put into the public data dumps and Data Explorer for perusal by all and sundry.
  • They influence the selection of Greatest Hits.

There were some 10K tools as well (now hidden) intended to help flush out posts that were getting exceptional amounts of anonymous feedback; we may bring these back in some form eventually.