Legal questions are not on-topic anywhere on Stack Exchange, because you should consult a lawyer whenever you have any legal questions.
In fact, there were previously three Law proposals on Area 51three Law proposals on Area 51 that were explicitly closed down on 2012-05-07 because Stack Exchange is not at all interested in hosting such content. Allowing users to give legal advice just opens up the user and Stack Exchange to legal actions against themopens up the user and Stack Exchange to legal actions against them, and they don't want that happen.
There is a very vague line between just "asking about the law" and "asking for legal advice" because laws are not very clear-cut and straight-forward. Actual laws are very verbose and have to be interpreted correctly, which is why it's generally advised that only a lawyer interpret a law for you.
I wouldn't depend on the current Law proposal on Area 51 making it anywhere either. Looking at some example questions, I imagine it too will be closed down before it reaches beta (or possibly after the private beta if it does make it that far) - for the very reason outlined above.