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Expedited capability for migration to your site

At 30k on graduated sites (and 10k on beta sites) grant users the power to suggest migration in a more pro-active way to "their powerhouse".

Example: Say you have >30k rep on site X, but also associate with site Y where you have [not a lot of rep], provide some capability to migrate content from site Y to site X since you're well-equipped with the know-how of what goes/doesn't on site X.

I am a high-rep user on TeX.SETeX.SE, and often find questions on Stack OverflowStack Overflow (SO) that is (La)TeX-specific. As such, I flag these questions, suggesting migration to TeX.SE since the fit is mostly perfect. It just makes sense to move the post to a more suited site.

However, since I'm a lower-rep user on SO, I can only flag a question and suggest TeX.SE as a better location (I assume it's treated similarly on the back-end to a vote-to-close). This flagged is effective < 5% of the time. I think the reason here is that the post ends up in the Close Review queue, which is a particular problem on SO. From a TeX.SE point-of-view, SO almost seems like the garbage-collector of posts since it has so much coming its way, from all walks of life.

I don't see much benefit in leaving formerly on-topic posts on SO rather than migrating it to a site that is tailored to address those issues. This will naturally be the case as more proposals on Area 51Area 51 launch.

In short, if you have interest in a specific field of expertise (read: high-rep on a specific site), you should have a pretty good idea of what is on-topic on that particular site (read: you've hung around long enough to know what's going on) and therefore should know what fits on that site if it lands elsewhere on the network that you might troll on-and-off.

While my suggestion is based on an SO-TeX.SE relationship, it may hold in general. However, I wouldn't know how to address this speculation with some circumstantial evidence from SEDESEDE, say, mainly because there's no easy way to perform cross-network queries/analysis.

This proposal might be consideration for something like an "In-migration review queue" rather than granting "high-rep privileges on a low-rep associated site". This proposal might need some baking...

Expedited capability for migration to your site

At 30k on graduated sites (and 10k on beta sites) grant users the power to suggest migration in a more pro-active way to "their powerhouse".

Example: Say you have >30k rep on site X, but also associate with site Y where you have [not a lot of rep], provide some capability to migrate content from site Y to site X since you're well-equipped with the know-how of what goes/doesn't on site X.

I am a high-rep user on TeX.SE, and often find questions on Stack Overflow (SO) that is (La)TeX-specific. As such, I flag these questions, suggesting migration to TeX.SE since the fit is mostly perfect. It just makes sense to move the post to a more suited site.

However, since I'm a lower-rep user on SO, I can only flag a question and suggest TeX.SE as a better location (I assume it's treated similarly on the back-end to a vote-to-close). This flagged is effective < 5% of the time. I think the reason here is that the post ends up in the Close Review queue, which is a particular problem on SO. From a TeX.SE point-of-view, SO almost seems like the garbage-collector of posts since it has so much coming its way, from all walks of life.

I don't see much benefit in leaving formerly on-topic posts on SO rather than migrating it to a site that is tailored to address those issues. This will naturally be the case as more proposals on Area 51 launch.

In short, if you have interest in a specific field of expertise (read: high-rep on a specific site), you should have a pretty good idea of what is on-topic on that particular site (read: you've hung around long enough to know what's going on) and therefore should know what fits on that site if it lands elsewhere on the network that you might troll on-and-off.

While my suggestion is based on an SO-TeX.SE relationship, it may hold in general. However, I wouldn't know how to address this speculation with some circumstantial evidence from SEDE, say, mainly because there's no easy way to perform cross-network queries/analysis.

This proposal might be consideration for something like an "In-migration review queue" rather than granting "high-rep privileges on a low-rep associated site". This proposal might need some baking...

Expedited capability for migration to your site

At 30k on graduated sites (and 10k on beta sites) grant users the power to suggest migration in a more pro-active way to "their powerhouse".

Example: Say you have >30k rep on site X, but also associate with site Y where you have [not a lot of rep], provide some capability to migrate content from site Y to site X since you're well-equipped with the know-how of what goes/doesn't on site X.

I am a high-rep user on TeX.SE, and often find questions on Stack Overflow (SO) that is (La)TeX-specific. As such, I flag these questions, suggesting migration to TeX.SE since the fit is mostly perfect. It just makes sense to move the post to a more suited site.

However, since I'm a lower-rep user on SO, I can only flag a question and suggest TeX.SE as a better location (I assume it's treated similarly on the back-end to a vote-to-close). This flagged is effective < 5% of the time. I think the reason here is that the post ends up in the Close Review queue, which is a particular problem on SO. From a TeX.SE point-of-view, SO almost seems like the garbage-collector of posts since it has so much coming its way, from all walks of life.

I don't see much benefit in leaving formerly on-topic posts on SO rather than migrating it to a site that is tailored to address those issues. This will naturally be the case as more proposals on Area 51 launch.

In short, if you have interest in a specific field of expertise (read: high-rep on a specific site), you should have a pretty good idea of what is on-topic on that particular site (read: you've hung around long enough to know what's going on) and therefore should know what fits on that site if it lands elsewhere on the network that you might troll on-and-off.

While my suggestion is based on an SO-TeX.SE relationship, it may hold in general. However, I wouldn't know how to address this speculation with some circumstantial evidence from SEDE, say, mainly because there's no easy way to perform cross-network queries/analysis.

This proposal might be consideration for something like an "In-migration review queue" rather than granting "high-rep privileges on a low-rep associated site". This proposal might need some baking...

Commonmark migration
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##Expedited capability for migration to your site

Expedited capability for migration to your site

At 30k on graduated sites (and 10k on beta sites) grant users the power to suggest migration in a more pro-active way to "their powerhouse".

Example: Say you have >30k rep on site X, but also associate with site Y where you have [not a lot of rep], provide some capability to migrate content from site Y to site X since you're well-equipped with the know-how of what goes/doesn't on site X.

I am a high-rep user on TeX.SE, and often find questions on Stack Overflow (SO) that is (La)TeX-specific. As such, I flag these questions, suggesting migration to TeX.SE since the fit is mostly perfect. It just makes sense to move the post to a more suited site.

However, since I'm a lower-rep user on SO, I can only flag a question and suggest TeX.SE as a better location (I assume it's treated similarly on the back-end to a vote-to-close). This flagged is effective < 5% of the time. I think the reason here is that the post ends up in the Close Review queue, which is a particular problem on SO. From a TeX.SE point-of-view, SO almost seems like the garbage-collector of posts since it has so much coming its way, from all walks of life.

I don't see much benefit in leaving formerly on-topic posts on SO rather than migrating it to a site that is tailored to address those issues. This will naturally be the case as more proposals on Area 51 launch.

In short, if you have interest in a specific field of expertise (read: high-rep on a specific site), you should have a pretty good idea of what is on-topic on that particular site (read: you've hung around long enough to know what's going on) and therefore should know what fits on that site if it lands elsewhere on the network that you might troll on-and-off.

While my suggestion is based on an SO-TeX.SE relationship, it may hold in general. However, I wouldn't know how to address this speculation with some circumstantial evidence from SEDE, say, mainly because there's no easy way to perform cross-network queries/analysis.

This proposal might be consideration for something like an "In-migration review queue" rather than granting "high-rep privileges on a low-rep associated site". This proposal might need some baking...

##Expedited capability for migration to your site

At 30k on graduated sites (and 10k on beta sites) grant users the power to suggest migration in a more pro-active way to "their powerhouse".

Example: Say you have >30k rep on site X, but also associate with site Y where you have [not a lot of rep], provide some capability to migrate content from site Y to site X since you're well-equipped with the know-how of what goes/doesn't on site X.

I am a high-rep user on TeX.SE, and often find questions on Stack Overflow (SO) that is (La)TeX-specific. As such, I flag these questions, suggesting migration to TeX.SE since the fit is mostly perfect. It just makes sense to move the post to a more suited site.

However, since I'm a lower-rep user on SO, I can only flag a question and suggest TeX.SE as a better location (I assume it's treated similarly on the back-end to a vote-to-close). This flagged is effective < 5% of the time. I think the reason here is that the post ends up in the Close Review queue, which is a particular problem on SO. From a TeX.SE point-of-view, SO almost seems like the garbage-collector of posts since it has so much coming its way, from all walks of life.

I don't see much benefit in leaving formerly on-topic posts on SO rather than migrating it to a site that is tailored to address those issues. This will naturally be the case as more proposals on Area 51 launch.

In short, if you have interest in a specific field of expertise (read: high-rep on a specific site), you should have a pretty good idea of what is on-topic on that particular site (read: you've hung around long enough to know what's going on) and therefore should know what fits on that site if it lands elsewhere on the network that you might troll on-and-off.

While my suggestion is based on an SO-TeX.SE relationship, it may hold in general. However, I wouldn't know how to address this speculation with some circumstantial evidence from SEDE, say, mainly because there's no easy way to perform cross-network queries/analysis.

This proposal might be consideration for something like an "In-migration review queue" rather than granting "high-rep privileges on a low-rep associated site". This proposal might need some baking...

Expedited capability for migration to your site

At 30k on graduated sites (and 10k on beta sites) grant users the power to suggest migration in a more pro-active way to "their powerhouse".

Example: Say you have >30k rep on site X, but also associate with site Y where you have [not a lot of rep], provide some capability to migrate content from site Y to site X since you're well-equipped with the know-how of what goes/doesn't on site X.

I am a high-rep user on TeX.SE, and often find questions on Stack Overflow (SO) that is (La)TeX-specific. As such, I flag these questions, suggesting migration to TeX.SE since the fit is mostly perfect. It just makes sense to move the post to a more suited site.

However, since I'm a lower-rep user on SO, I can only flag a question and suggest TeX.SE as a better location (I assume it's treated similarly on the back-end to a vote-to-close). This flagged is effective < 5% of the time. I think the reason here is that the post ends up in the Close Review queue, which is a particular problem on SO. From a TeX.SE point-of-view, SO almost seems like the garbage-collector of posts since it has so much coming its way, from all walks of life.

I don't see much benefit in leaving formerly on-topic posts on SO rather than migrating it to a site that is tailored to address those issues. This will naturally be the case as more proposals on Area 51 launch.

In short, if you have interest in a specific field of expertise (read: high-rep on a specific site), you should have a pretty good idea of what is on-topic on that particular site (read: you've hung around long enough to know what's going on) and therefore should know what fits on that site if it lands elsewhere on the network that you might troll on-and-off.

While my suggestion is based on an SO-TeX.SE relationship, it may hold in general. However, I wouldn't know how to address this speculation with some circumstantial evidence from SEDE, say, mainly because there's no easy way to perform cross-network queries/analysis.

This proposal might be consideration for something like an "In-migration review queue" rather than granting "high-rep privileges on a low-rep associated site". This proposal might need some baking...

replaced with
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##Expedited capability for migration to your site

At 30k on graduated sites (and 10k on beta sites) grant users the power to suggest migration in a more pro-active way to "their powerhouse".

Example: Say you have >30k rep on site X, but also associate with site Y where you have [not a lot of rep], provide some capability to migrate content from site Y to site X since you're well-equipped with the know-how of what goes/doesn't on site X.

I am a high-rep user on TeX.SE, and often find questions on Stack Overflow (SO) that is (La)TeX-specific. As such, I flag these questions, suggesting migration to TeX.SE since the fit is mostly perfect. It just makes sense to move the post to a more suited site.

However, since I'm a lower-rep user on SO, I can only flag a question and suggest TeX.SE as a better location (I assume it's treated similarly on the back-end to a vote-to-close). This flagged is effective < 5% of the time. I think the reason here is that the post ends up in the Close Review queueClose Review queue, which is a particular problem on SO. From a TeX.SE point-of-view, SO almost seems like the garbage-collector of posts since it has so much coming its way, from all walks of life.

I don't see much benefit in leaving formerly on-topic posts on SO rather than migrating it to a site that is tailored to address those issues. This will naturally be the case as more proposals on Area 51 launch.

In short, if you have interest in a specific field of expertise (read: high-rep on a specific site), you should have a pretty good idea of what is on-topic on that particular site (read: you've hung around long enough to know what's going on) and therefore should know what fits on that site if it lands elsewhere on the network that you might troll on-and-off.

While my suggestion is based on an SO-TeX.SE relationship, it may hold in general. However, I wouldn't know how to address this speculation with some circumstantial evidence from SEDE, say, mainly because there's no easy way to perform cross-network queries/analysis.

This proposal might be consideration for something like an "In-migration review queue" rather than granting "high-rep privileges on a low-rep associated site". This proposal might need some baking...

##Expedited capability for migration to your site

At 30k on graduated sites (and 10k on beta sites) grant users the power to suggest migration in a more pro-active way to "their powerhouse".

Example: Say you have >30k rep on site X, but also associate with site Y where you have [not a lot of rep], provide some capability to migrate content from site Y to site X since you're well-equipped with the know-how of what goes/doesn't on site X.

I am a high-rep user on TeX.SE, and often find questions on Stack Overflow (SO) that is (La)TeX-specific. As such, I flag these questions, suggesting migration to TeX.SE since the fit is mostly perfect. It just makes sense to move the post to a more suited site.

However, since I'm a lower-rep user on SO, I can only flag a question and suggest TeX.SE as a better location (I assume it's treated similarly on the back-end to a vote-to-close). This flagged is effective < 5% of the time. I think the reason here is that the post ends up in the Close Review queue, which is a particular problem on SO. From a TeX.SE point-of-view, SO almost seems like the garbage-collector of posts since it has so much coming its way, from all walks of life.

I don't see much benefit in leaving formerly on-topic posts on SO rather than migrating it to a site that is tailored to address those issues. This will naturally be the case as more proposals on Area 51 launch.

In short, if you have interest in a specific field of expertise (read: high-rep on a specific site), you should have a pretty good idea of what is on-topic on that particular site (read: you've hung around long enough to know what's going on) and therefore should know what fits on that site if it lands elsewhere on the network that you might troll on-and-off.

While my suggestion is based on an SO-TeX.SE relationship, it may hold in general. However, I wouldn't know how to address this speculation with some circumstantial evidence from SEDE, say, mainly because there's no easy way to perform cross-network queries/analysis.

This proposal might be consideration for something like an "In-migration review queue" rather than granting "high-rep privileges on a low-rep associated site". This proposal might need some baking...

##Expedited capability for migration to your site

At 30k on graduated sites (and 10k on beta sites) grant users the power to suggest migration in a more pro-active way to "their powerhouse".

Example: Say you have >30k rep on site X, but also associate with site Y where you have [not a lot of rep], provide some capability to migrate content from site Y to site X since you're well-equipped with the know-how of what goes/doesn't on site X.

I am a high-rep user on TeX.SE, and often find questions on Stack Overflow (SO) that is (La)TeX-specific. As such, I flag these questions, suggesting migration to TeX.SE since the fit is mostly perfect. It just makes sense to move the post to a more suited site.

However, since I'm a lower-rep user on SO, I can only flag a question and suggest TeX.SE as a better location (I assume it's treated similarly on the back-end to a vote-to-close). This flagged is effective < 5% of the time. I think the reason here is that the post ends up in the Close Review queue, which is a particular problem on SO. From a TeX.SE point-of-view, SO almost seems like the garbage-collector of posts since it has so much coming its way, from all walks of life.

I don't see much benefit in leaving formerly on-topic posts on SO rather than migrating it to a site that is tailored to address those issues. This will naturally be the case as more proposals on Area 51 launch.

In short, if you have interest in a specific field of expertise (read: high-rep on a specific site), you should have a pretty good idea of what is on-topic on that particular site (read: you've hung around long enough to know what's going on) and therefore should know what fits on that site if it lands elsewhere on the network that you might troll on-and-off.

While my suggestion is based on an SO-TeX.SE relationship, it may hold in general. However, I wouldn't know how to address this speculation with some circumstantial evidence from SEDE, say, mainly because there's no easy way to perform cross-network queries/analysis.

This proposal might be consideration for something like an "In-migration review queue" rather than granting "high-rep privileges on a low-rep associated site". This proposal might need some baking...

Move the disclaimer to the end; focus on the suggestion.
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