ThisI agree there is a good idea, as currently to view the rest of a truncated starred message:room for improvement.
- Click a drop down arrow on the starred message
- Click the history link
- Be taken to a new tab/page away from the chat room
- Close the new tab when done
Chat rooms tend to be about quick actions, so it should be simple just to see the above requirementsfull message quickly and easily within the chat room.
The current options are not really quick, and take you to a bit lengthynew tab/page and show either message history, or full transcript for a room.
Neither is ideal just to quickly seeshow a truncated starred message.
Alternative idea
ShowThe hover over info idea is fine, but there is still a slight delay waiting for it to appear.
What about showing the rest of a truncated message by clicking on it, and the full message is displayed by creating space downover, and pushing any messages below it down a bit.
And it could return to being truncated (e.g.):
- 10 seconds after clicking
- Clicking same starred message again
- Clicking another starred message moves previously clicked one up, then drops newly clicked message down
Similar to an accordion style setup: JS/jQuery.
Not that design - the current chat room design and layout should remain, that example is just to show how clicking would move other messages downup/down to create space and show thea full message.