I like this because I far too often forget to vote on lengthy posts because the buttons escape my view. I want to wait for the test to finish to say for sure how much this is actually needed, but I suspect the impact is going to be far from marginal.
That said, two things I'd like which would make this more awesome:
Don't scroll when the post length is less than or equal to the height of the voting controls.
I don't know how expensive that's going to be server-side since it would need to be known in advance, getting this from the client would be icky if even really possible. data-postlen=
Dim the controls when scrolling comes to rest for a second so folks can read, restore opacity when scrolling resumes
I'd like to see how this alleviates some of the "crazy ass things are following me, man!" complaints that folks have, and might alleviate some of the distraction others have reported. They're made more subtle as you read, more prominent when the rest of the screen is moving.
I want to see the numbers on how much more voting we're seeing. I've personally found this useful several times today, but actual numbers are going to be interesting.
Put up/down arrows at the bottom of posts that are at least twice the height of the voting controls, similar to how the links to close / flag are oriented (in fact, before them) - but again, I want to see how this test pans out.