While links are ok to put in a tag wiki epically when it comes to citing sources, it's kind of silly to have wikis just be links to other sites epically when they are the first few search results in Google.
Our tag wiki should for the most part be self contained. Someone shouldn't have to go somewhere else to get basic information about a topic.
Let's just I didn't know anything about the band Guns N' Roses and I was curious about the band and clicked on the tag guns-n-roses and the learn more section, the only information I would get is this:
External links
- Official website: gunsnroses.com
- Wikipedia: Guns N' Roses
- MusicBrainz: Guns N’ Roses
They aren't necessarily bad sources, but from our wiki alone I don't know more about the band without going somewhere else which kind of defeats the purpose of those wikis and isn't much better than leaving it blank. For bands and artist, we should strive to include basic information about them including:
- Genre
- Members
- Years active
- Notable Songs/Albums
- ect.
None of that information is seen directly in the tag wiki and someone will need to go somewhere else for the information. We can and should add much, much more to these tag wikis over time and we should be able to maintain all of our tags without just relying on outsides sources or just pointing to them.
If you want to see an example of an over the top tag wiki that has all the information you would ever want about C#, check its wikicheck its wiki. There are plenty of useful links in the wiki, but the wiki itself is not just those links and inform the users a lot about the topic.