Critical flaw in your suggestion, is that OP might many times select the quick and dirty solution, rather than the correct and complicated solution.
Consider this theoretical flow of events:
- Question is posted.
- Answer is given, which is correct, but complicated. OP gives it a try, messing around, and finally accepting it since it's working after all.
- Other answer is given, which is also working, but using some non-elegant hack, not elegant and not a good practice. But it's much more simple to use. OP try, gets excited, and accepts.
First answer gets lots of upvotes, second answer gets some downvotes, but nobody can oppose the OP decision.
In my opinion, this does NOT deserve any badge, and I suspect it happens much too often.
My suggestion to keep this request alive:
Make it a bronze badge, and require a score of at least 2 to the new answer. (OP is likely to upvote, so require at least one more.)