##Frigid Bridge Man
Frigid Bridge Man
There was a man who lived in a fridge. He obtained it from under a bridge. He had no room for his food in his fridge, because his duvet covered his nibs. All the day the food sat atop the fridge getting nibbled by midge. He would oft listen to reggae with his morning latte. The midge would waylay, and he would say "Cafés are passé anyway".
One day he decided to fidge the fridge to rid the midge the hard way. Quite a risqué move to say, as the ridge of the bridge gave way, leaving his lingerie exposed on the highway. The fridge went falling upside down, round and round, and the food and the midge lay on the ground splattered all around, leaving him only a smidge of parfait left on the side of the expressway.
His duvet laid astray, he lost his entree, what a day. Alas, he will have to go to the buffet, and live in a chalet drinking Beaujolais. If only he had a beret to cover his head and toupée.
A stack beanie would be awesome if you have it, or anything Ask Ubuntu Related