Même: His Madnificents! (alternate versions include Madnifiscents, Madnifisense, etc.)
Originator: Ghanima
Background: It started when @Aurora0001 was automatically added as room ownerautomatically added as room owner of the IoT main chat room. He started out his careerstarted out his career saying,
Say hello to your benevolent dictator of Internet of Things chat!
Ghanima repliedreplied right away (tmtm):
All hail to Aurora, first of his name, protector of the realm.
His message received exactly two stars,two stars, and from there it simply escalated, to the point where Ghanima postedGhanima posted,
@Aurora0001 Praised be thee, oh Madnificence!
By some odd chance, the message failed to be starred, but the title has stuck. Only anonymous2's and Helmar's mod hammers (🔨🔨) can keep him in check.