If a question has an accepted answer and the question is deleted, what happens to the accepted answer and with the reputation coming from accepting that answer?
More specifically:
- Is the accept sign automatically removed when a question is deleted?
- It is known that reputation for answers with score at least 3 and visible for at least 60 days is kept after the deletion. Does this include the +15 reputation point for accepted answer, or are these 15 reputation points removed on deletion regardless of the age of the answer (even if the score is ⩾ 3)?
This came up in a discussion in chat (moved from comments on a per-site-meta). Since it was not that easy to find examples of such posts, asking here seemed a better solution than experimenting by looking for posts, deleting and undeleting them, checking reputation, etc.
IfI found this related question: Accepted answers to deleted questions don't have a checkmark. However, no definitive answer was posted there, only a few comments.