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Oct 17, 2019 at 23:51 comment added G_Hosa_Phat @JohnPirie - My hopefulness is quickly eroding as time continues to stretch on with minimal response (and nothing "concrete") from SO corporate.
Oct 17, 2019 at 16:05 comment added user95071 @G_Hosa_Phat Thanks for posting this, as it comes closer than anything else I've read to capturing my own exposure to events (casual user, unaware until recently). I hope as you do, but also believe that in the corporate world, the only make-right for this kind of process abuse and resulting human damage is for someone to lose their paying job at the company. Until that happens, I'm out.
Oct 9, 2019 at 20:41 comment added Draco18s no longer trusts SE @G_Hosa_Phat Its mostly been stuff that's happened in the last two years (give or take) that have been a problem. Before 2016 SO probably was what you thought it was (even if you didn't have an account).
Oct 9, 2019 at 18:42 comment added G_Hosa_Phat Wow... to be honest, at this point, the deeper I dive into the historical faux pas (to put a very light spin on it), the more I have to wonder if SO has ever been what I thought it was or what it proposed to be. I have really appreciated SO as a resource, and tried to contribute when possible, but the fact that my participation and contributions are monetized - even just visiting the site - to support an entity with a track record such as this is more than a little disconcerting. The community is mostly great, but there are certainly "issues" with what goes on behind the scenes.
Oct 9, 2019 at 18:31 comment added Bill_Stewart From that page: "Many to this day consider Stack Overflow to be a horrible place to be, and will effortlessly spam out tales of how victimized they felt after their first experiences there (while ironically omitting the fact that they'd, in the meantime, indeed had their problem solved for free by volunteers)." +1000.
Oct 9, 2019 at 18:28 comment added Lightness Races in Orbit @Draco18s I wrote it specifically so that I never forget :)
Oct 9, 2019 at 18:28 comment added Draco18s no longer trusts SE @LightnessRacesinOrbit Oof. I forgot about some of those other ones. I'd remembered the home page, but it never fit into my comments, but I'd forgotten the data breaches and unstarring/content removal fiascos entirely. Thanks for the article.
Oct 9, 2019 at 15:02 comment added Lightness Races in Orbit @Draco18s: If it helps...
Oct 8, 2019 at 2:33 comment added Draco18s no longer trusts SE So, as a phone call with my mother made me realize, the original appology is the worst-scored post on meta by a factor of 3.6 (note that SEDE is cached weekly). Post #2? New ads. #3? The updated license. #4? New TOS. #5? Changes to HNQ. #8? New left nav (forgot about that one). #9? Licensing again (q). #11? Licensing again (a). #12: audio fingerprinting. Nine of the top twelve are from the last year or so, the other three are from 2011 or older. It isn't until #15 that we get another new one (ads/HNQ).
Oct 7, 2019 at 22:04 comment added einpoklum @G_Hosa_Phat: I'm not much of an "SE politician" either, I'm just an opinionated long-time user :-P Anyway, my own experience leads to the same concerns as yours.
Oct 7, 2019 at 21:58 comment added G_Hosa_Phat @einpoklum - As someone who's about as "detached" from the situation (and SE/SO) as one can get, I intentionally did not want my post to play into any internal politics or anything about SE/SO for which I don't have any real, tangible referential knowledge or evidence. I wanted to look at it from as impartial and generic a PoV as I could. I hope it's not "as bad as all that", but after skimming through some of the historical issues posted above, I believe the "bigger picture" may be darker than many realize or are willing to admit. I would love to be proven wrong...
Oct 7, 2019 at 21:28 comment added einpoklum Good point about the treatment of Cellio. The apology is lots of talk but the actionable part is just a doubling-down on the termination, all things said and done. See also my longer analysis below.
Oct 7, 2019 at 17:23 comment added G_Hosa_Phat Correct. I apparently missed all of that. Now I guess I have some reading to do.
Oct 7, 2019 at 17:04 comment added Draco18s no longer trusts SE By that do you mean that you missed the last Code of Conduct (The Welcoming) update, the change to CC-BY-SA v4, the removal of hot meta posts / HNQ, animated ads, and browser tracking? I can understand having missed things, it took me a week to see this bit with Monica, but I'm just clarifying.
Oct 7, 2019 at 16:35 comment added G_Hosa_Phat @Draco18s - Honestly, I was completely unaware (blissful ignorance) of any such incidents at any time previous or current. As I said above, I'm an extremely "casual" user and am not involved with SE in any meaningful way. Hearing about this does give me a general cause for concern, but I'm reserving any sort of judgment at this time.
Oct 7, 2019 at 16:19 comment added Draco18s no longer trusts SE I will note that this is close to my first hearing about it as well. I first ran into it via a question on Politics. Turned out that I should have seen it earlier, but hadn't read far enough into Dennis's post about him stepping down. But oh boy, what a firestorm. ...most trusted online community Ha! Well, I trust the community at least...but not the people running the servers. Haven't since...the time before the time that was before the time that was the time after the time that was the last last time (before the last CoC update).
Oct 7, 2019 at 15:57 history answered G_Hosa_Phat CC BY-SA 4.0