This is not intended to fully answer this question. It would be far too long for a single comment. I'm putting my response in an answer here as replying in the comments is leading to a lengthy chain.
Contacting investors/directors directly may be a bad idea. It may even be considered by some as harassment. Why? Let's try and look at it this way;
By definition, in this question, there have already been 5 attempts to establish dialog
- Meta
- A Petition
- Phone
- Contact Form
If these don't make it far enough up the chain to be seen by the investors/directors, this is likely by design. They either don't want to see it, or they can't do anything about it if they do (consider they may just be financial backers). Even if they can, it's likely that it would take more than one. Circumventing this by contacting them directly when it hasn't been requested is unsolicited contact.
Aside from the above, what impact do you suppose this would have? If the 5 previous attempts have been ignored / not answered to satisfaction, there isn't likely to be a more favorable outcome contacting them directly.
*Edited to reduce the accusatory tone and to make it clearer that this is not a direct answer, nor am I trying to warn people away. The intention behind this answer is just to makeremind people to **think** before acting.*