It's not against the rules if you aren't stirring up trouble by a deletion that was blatantly justified, according to the Help Center:
#Viewing deleted posts
Viewing deleted posts
You now have privileged access to posts that have been removed, either by their authors, by users with access to moderator tools, by moderators, or by the system.
Use this privilege wisely:
Make sure what is being deleted should have been deleted, and bring unnecessary or harmful deletions to the attention of the community and/or moderator team.
Watch for signs of abuse being obscured by deletion.
Don't abuse this privilege to stir up trouble when someone has wisely decided to remove a problematic post.
In short, if it was an unnecessary deletion, even by a mod, you are encouraged to bring it to the attention of the community.
Avoid, however, discussing other people's bans. I assume that the banned person can discuss whether the deletion was justified or not.
Avoid spamming deleted content
Obviously, asking about trivial deletions (e.g. comments) is a bad idea. Unless you have seen (and documented) systematic unnecessary deletions.
Also, as stated in the quote:
Use this privilege wisely
Don't abuse this